
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on June 19, 2013

Obama for America
4:06 p.m. ET
Last night

Last night's House vote wasn't a bad dream.

It's actually terrifying that 228 members of Congress voted to stand between a woman and her doctor when it comes to her health care decisions, but here we are the next day, and that's what happened.

These moments can't pass with a shrug of the shoulders, or by crossing our fingers and hoping that it never becomes law. The reality is that bills like this are making headway in state legislatures across the country -- and if people like us don't speak out now, then how will we stop them?

Add your name today to say you'll stand up to threats on women's health:


Organizing for Action

----------Original Message---------- From: Lindsay Siler, Subject: I can't believe this just happened:

Friend --

This just actually happened:

The House of Representatives passed one of the most unbelievable, unconstitutional attacks on women's health in a long time.

It's a bill written by Republican Arizona Congressman Trent Franks, which would ban abortions after 20 weeks, except in extremely limited circumstances -- a direct legislative challenge to Roe v. Wade.

And 228 members of Congress just voted for it.

Maybe they weren't paying attention to the reaction of Americans across the country last year who rejected candidates who wanted to restrict a woman's access to safe, affordable health care.

That's a message they need to hear loud and clear right now -- if you think politicians have no right to get between a woman and her health decisions, add your name and say you won't stand for it:


This bill made it out of the House Judiciary Committee thanks to the votes of 23 Republicans -- all men, of course.

And Rep. Franks objected when opponents tried to raise the issue of rape, saying, " know, the incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low."

Women made their voices very clear last year when it came to the extreme positions that some elected officials took on women's health. But that hasn't stopped conservative politicians from trying to repeal Obamacare, block the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, and push an agenda that uses terminology like "legitimate rape."

Making progress on smart health policy isn't easy, but when Congress is spending its time actively trying to chip away at a woman's rights, it feels impossible.

We can't just sit back and hope it goes away -- we need to speak up.

OFA supporters are going to be on the front lines reminding Congress we're here and we care about women's health.

Join the fight today: [url]


Lindsay Siler National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

Yesterday, 228 members of the House of Representatives launched another assault on a woman's right to make her own health care decisions when they voted to effectively ban abortions after 20 weeks.

That's a transparent legislative attack on Roe v. Wade.

If people like us don't speak out in moments like this -- if we don't actually raise our voices -- then it's not hard to see where this road leads.

Stand up to the attacks on women's health -- add your name today:


Organizing for Action

----------Original Message---------- From: Lindsay Siler, Subject: I can't believe this just happened:

Friend --

This just actually happened:

The House of Representatives passed one of the most unbelievable, unconstitutional attacks on women's health in a long time.

It's a bill written by Republican Arizona Congressman Trent Franks, which would ban abortions after 20 weeks, except in extremely limited circumstances -- a direct legislative challenge to Roe v. Wade.

And 228 members of Congress just voted for it.

Maybe they weren't paying attention to the reaction of Americans across the country last year who rejected candidates who wanted to restrict a woman's access to safe, affordable health care.

That's a message they need to hear loud and clear right now -- if you think politicians have no right to get between a woman and her health decisions, add your name and say you won't stand for it:


This bill made it out of the House Judiciary Committee thanks to the votes of 23 Republicans -- all men, of course.

And Rep. Franks objected when opponents tried to raise the issue of rape, saying, " know, the incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low."

Women made their voices very clear last year when it came to the extreme positions that some elected officials took on women's health. But that hasn't stopped conservative politicians from trying to repeal Obamacare, block the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, and push an agenda that uses terminology like "legitimate rape."

Making progress on smart health policy isn't easy, but when Congress is spending its time actively trying to chip away at a woman's rights, it feels impossible.

We can't just sit back and hope it goes away -- we need to speak up.

OFA supporters are going to be on the front lines reminding Congress we're here and we care about women's health.

Join the fight today: [url]


Lindsay Siler National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.