
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Aug. 27, 2013

Obama for America
3:58 p.m. ET
☼ Is the sun getting to them?


You know what's not funny? When 80 members of Congress say they'll refuse to do their jobs just because they don't get their way.

That's what happened last week when a gang of House Republicans sent Speaker John Boehner a letter informing him that they'd rather trigger a government shutdown before voting for a budget that funds Obamacare.

It's an absolutely absurd demand -- and it's forcing John Boehner to make a decision: be a leader or cave to the extreme members of the House.

The good news is that a lot of folks across the country are sick of these games.

Add your name -- tell Speaker Boehner to stand up to anti-Obamacare bullies in Congress right now:



-Original Message- From: Jon Carson, Subject: This is nonsense:

Friend --

In case you missed it, here's the latest plan being pushed by some members of the House: Cut all funding for Obamacare, or shut down the government.

Congress has until September 30th to pass a budget, and these representatives think this is the best time to wage a fight against a law that is already helping millions of Americans.

It's going to be up to Speaker John Boehner to decide if he's going to let these folks play games over the federal budget.

Be a voice of reason -- add your name to tell Speaker Boehner not to let this craziness get in the way of passing a smart budget:


The federal budget is how we determine our priorities as a country. Congress is deciding whether we give more tax breaks to corporations, or fund programs for our country's schools, or -- yes -- help people get access to affordable health care.

President Obama has a budget plan to grow the economy from the middle out -- not the top down. Because unless we make investments to help the middle class to grow, we'll never do more than move from one fiscal crisis to the next.

We don't need more obstructionism from some members of Congress. And we certainly don't need a government shutdown.

This country deserves better -- if you agree, add your name today to stand up to the extreme proposals in the House:



Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action

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