
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Sept. 30, 2013

Obama for America
2:11 p.m. ET
Don't let tonight's deadline pass before becoming an OFA member


Right now we're putting together the list of everyone who's stepped up to own a piece of what we're building together -- so far, you're not on it. You can take care of that right now.

According to the records associated with this exact email address:

Organizing for Action member: Pending Suggested donation: $X


We've always relied on grassroots supporters to step up and build this movement.

Today, we're counting on you, fundraising deadline at midnight is as critical as they come. For everyone who chips in before midnight, we'll add your name to the OFA Donor Wall -- the definitive record of the folks chipping in right now at such an important time.

Chip in $X before midnight:


Organizing for Action

P.S. -- While we can't promise fame and fortune, the OFA Donor Wall on is pretty great, too. So don't wait -- donate $X right now:


- If you've made a donation in the last 24 hours that isn't reflected above, don't worry -- it may still be processing. Thanks for your support.

- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

5:39 p.m. ET
We're getting closer - need your help before midnight:


It looks like your name isn't on the OFA Donor Wall yet.

This is just one way we're saying thanks to the people who are stepping up at this critical time -- and it's not too late to join in.

Chip in $X or more before midnight tonight and get on there:



Kathy Gasperine Development Director Organizing for Action

P.S. -- Right now, your donation could be the one that helps hit our goal of 25,000 grassroots donations for the final days of this quarter -- and we're less than 9,000 donations away! We only

what are you waiting for?


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.


It's last call.

You don't want to miss the chance to be part of this, especially at such a critical time.

We need you -- we're just 3,122 donations away from our grassroots goal!

Chip in $X before midnight tonight:


Organizing for Action

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.