
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Oct. 4, 2013

Obama for America
11:53 a.m. ET
Tweet John Boehner: End the shutdown


It's the fourth day of the government shutdown, and House Speaker John Boehner is still letting the same group of House Republicans who drove us here run the show.

Today, we're asking everyone who's fed up to say "Enough already!" We're taking to Twitter, and I hope you'll join in.

Speaker Boehner can end the shutdown right now -- tweet at him to make sure he knows we're going to be holding him accountable for trying to sabotage the economy:


If you're not on Twitter, it's easy to start. It's a place where many members of Congress and their staffers try to drive the narrative of the day -- right now, some members of Congress think they can get away with blaming this shutdown on President Obama.

It's Congress' job to fund the government. It's Congress' job to make sure they pay their bills. Anything less is failure.

What makes this worse is that some of these Republicans are arguing that they're listening to their constituents -- that Americans actually wanted a shutdown.

You and I know that's not true -- it's time to call them on it.

Tell John Boehner this is economic sabotage, and it's got to stop now:



Nico Probst Director of Special Projects Organizing for Action

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