
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Dig deep - and push back


5 email variations



I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican victory on November 6 -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We're almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help us finish strong.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.





[url] [url]

Women have become accustomed to strong words from politicians on equality and our role in the world. They are, after all, trying to win our votes. But when Mitt Romney talks about women, when he says he believes that we can do any job a man can do, I know from experience that he's speaking from the heart.

I served as Lt. Governor with Mitt Romney when he was Governor of Massachusetts. In fact, of the twenty top positions in the Romney administration, ten of them were filled by women, more than any other state in the nation. Romney's Chief of Staff was a woman - Beth Myers. As we took office, our administration actively sought to recruit the best and brightest women the Commonwealth had to offer. And Governor Romney wasn't just checking a box. He sought out our counsel, and he listened to our advice. We didn't always agree, but we were always respected. Mitt Romney didn't judge the people who were in his administration by their gender. He wanted the best, male or female. There's no greater evidence that Mitt Romney will represent all Americans than his record of treating all people fairly and impartially. His was a brand of leadership that got things done by bringing people together, not dividing them.

We need that kind of leadership today. People are hurting in this country, and women especially have been suffering. The numbers are stark. Five-and-a-half million women are unemployed. Under President Obama, the number of women living in poverty has climbed to a record high of nearly twenty-six million.

Despite President Obama's best efforts -- and despite his soaring rhetoric -- his policies simply haven't worked. In the two debates we have seen so far, we've heard the President give excuses for his disappointments, but we haven't heard him offer a specific plan or concrete proposals detailing how the next four years will be any different than the last four years.

We can't afford four more years of the status quo.

What we need is change, and that is precisely what Governor Romney is offering. He has a plan that will create twelve million new jobs, one that will get our economy moving again and lift Americans back out of poverty. He'll do it by offering strong leadership and by working across the aisle with Republicans and Democrats.

I know that he can accomplish these goals because I have seen him do it before. And when he does succeed, millions of women will have good jobs with rising pay and new opportunities to fulfill their dreams. That is the kind of empowerment and equality that we need now more than ever.

Watch this video and show your support for Mitt Romney -- contribute today.

Kerry Healey

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Last night's debate was a missed opportunity by Barack Obama.

He's had chance after chance to connect, and to present America with a vision. But once again last night, the President offered no plan and nothing positive. All America got was another dose of stale rhetoric, canned excuses, and rehearsed talking points.

At times, it looked like Vice President Biden was his new debate coach.

Mitt Romney will not shrink from the tough questions or run away from America's problems. That's why he was the only candidate who looked truly presidential on the debate stage last night -- and that's why he will deliver the real recovery America deserves.

This election is a clear choice: four more years of what we already know doesn't work, or leadership that will make America strong again.

Make the clear choice.

[url] Watch our newest ad and contribute now to help make Mitt Romney the next president.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.





I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican team victory on November 6th -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our collective efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We’re almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help defeat Barack Obama and his liberal allies.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney



Hi - I am contacting you to see if you would be interested in participating in a unique volunteer opportunity this Election Day.

I will be heading up the national command center on November 6th and I am looking for talented volunteers to help out in key states across the country.

With less than three weeks to go, I am making a final push to bring on a few more supporters to help with this project.

Volunteers will be at the polling place from open to close on November 6th. These volunteers will be relaying critical information in real time, back to our national command center here in Boston.

If you're interested - just fill out the form at by Sunday, October 21st at midnight and we will get you looped in as soon as possible.

Thanks - and if you know anyone else in CO that you think would be a good fit, please have them fill out the form too.


Dan Centinello Deputy National Political Director Romney for President [email]

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: Dig deep - and push back

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 17, 2012, 9:56 a.m.

I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican victory on November 6 -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We're almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help us finish strong.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.




Compare variations

Subject: Dig deep - and push back

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 17, 2012, 9:56 a.m.

I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican victory on November 6 -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We're almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help us finish strong.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican victory on November 6 -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We're almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help us finish strong.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



[url] [url]

Women have become accustomed to strong words from politicians on equality and our role in the world. They are, after all, trying to win our votes. But when Mitt Romney talks about women, when he says he believes that we can do any job a man can do, I know from experience that he's speaking from the heart.

I served as Lt. Governor with Mitt Romney when he was Governor of Massachusetts. In fact, of the twenty top positions in the Romney administration, ten of them were filled by women, more than any other state in the nation. Romney's Chief of Staff was a woman - Beth Myers. As we took office, our administration actively sought to recruit the best and brightest women the Commonwealth had to offer. And Governor Romney wasn't just checking a box. He sought out our counsel, and he listened to our advice. We didn't always agree, but we were always respected. Mitt Romney didn't judge the people who were in his administration by their gender. He wanted the best, male or female. There's no greater evidence that Mitt Romney will represent all Americans than his record of treating all people fairly and impartially. His was a brand of leadership that got things done by bringing people together, not dividing them.

We need that kind of leadership today. People are hurting in this country, and women especially have been suffering. The numbers are stark. Five-and-a-half million women are unemployed. Under President Obama, the number of women living in poverty has climbed to a record high of nearly twenty-six million.

Despite President Obama's best efforts -- and despite his soaring rhetoric -- his policies simply haven't worked. In the two debates we have seen so far, we've heard the President give excuses for his disappointments, but we haven't heard him offer a specific plan or concrete proposals detailing how the next four years will be any different than the last four years.

We can't afford four more years of the status quo.

What we need is change, and that is precisely what Governor Romney is offering. He has a plan that will create twelve million new jobs, one that will get our economy moving again and lift Americans back out of poverty. He'll do it by offering strong leadership and by working across the aisle with Republicans and Democrats.

I know that he can accomplish these goals because I have seen him do it before. And when he does succeed, millions of women will have good jobs with rising pay and new opportunities to fulfill their dreams. That is the kind of empowerment and equality that we need now more than ever.

Watch this video and show your support for Mitt Romney -- contribute today.

Kerry Healey

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Last night's debate was a missed opportunity by Barack Obama.

He's had chance after chance to connect, and to present America with a vision. But once again last night, the President offered no plan and nothing positive. All America got was another dose of stale rhetoric, canned excuses, and rehearsed talking points.

At times, it looked like Vice President Biden was his new debate coach.

Mitt Romney will not shrink from the tough questions or run away from America's problems. That's why he was the only candidate who looked truly presidential on the debate stage last night -- and that's why he will deliver the real recovery America deserves.

This election is a clear choice: four more years of what we already know doesn't work, or leadership that will make America strong again.

Make the clear choice.

[url] Watch our newest ad and contribute now to help make Mitt Romney the next president.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



I hope you watched the debate last night. I needed America to know that a real recovery is within our reach -- we just have to choose it.

Tonight is crucial to a Republican team victory on November 6th -- it's the last major fundraising deadline of the election. Your contribution before midnight will help us hold our ground and finish strong.

Contributions from supporters like you have gotten us this far. And you're not working alone -- our 108,000 volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls and knocked on 13 times more doors than at the same time during the '08 campaign.

The strength of our collective efforts speaks to the importance of our goal. Together, we will restore the America we love.

We’re almost there. Now is the time to dig deep -- and push back.

[url] Contribute now to help defeat Barack Obama and his liberal allies.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney

Hi - I am contacting you to see if you would be interested in participating in a unique volunteer opportunity this Election Day.

I will be heading up the national command center on November 6th and I am looking for talented volunteers to help out in key states across the country.

With less than three weeks to go, I am making a final push to bring on a few more supporters to help with this project.

Volunteers will be at the polling place from open to close on November 6th. These volunteers will be relaying critical information in real time, back to our national command center here in Boston.

If you're interested - just fill out the form at by Sunday, October 21st at midnight and we will get you looped in as soon as possible.

Thanks - and if you know anyone else in CO that you think would be a good fit, please have them fill out the form too.


Dan Centinello Deputy National Political Director Romney for President [email]

[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.