
Journalism in the Public Interest

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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Early voting results


1 email variation



Despite what the Obama campaign wants you to believe, early voting results show President Obama doesn't have an advantage over Governor Romney.

In fact, Mitt currently leads Barack Obama 52% to 45% among voters who have already cast their ballots.

Poll after poll reports Mitt leading among independents -- and 2.5 million independents in battleground states have either voted or have ballots in hand.

Thanks to you, our paid media effort, ground operations, and voter contact programs are fully funded -- which will help our momentum even more.

The Republican team has the resources to expand the map in ways that weren't possible in past cycles -- without reducing efforts in other target states.

Despite what the liberals say, it's clear: Mitt and the Republican team's plan continues to resonate with voters, volunteers, and donors.

Please contribute now to help Mitt and Paul, and the Republican team, keep up the momentum.

Together, we will win on November 6th.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: Early voting results

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 2, 2012, 5:43 a.m.

Despite what the Obama campaign wants you to believe, early voting results show President Obama doesn't have an advantage over Governor Romney.

In fact, Mitt currently leads Barack Obama 52% to 45% among voters who have already cast their ballots.

Poll after poll reports Mitt leading among independents -- and 2.5 million independents in battleground states have either voted or have ballots in hand.

Thanks to you, our paid media effort, ground operations, and voter contact programs are fully funded -- which will help our momentum even more.

The Republican team has the resources to expand the map in ways that weren't possible in past cycles -- without reducing efforts in other target states.

Despite what the liberals say, it's clear: Mitt and the Republican team's plan continues to resonate with voters, volunteers, and donors.

Please contribute now to help Mitt and Paul, and the Republican team, keep up the momentum.

Together, we will win on November 6th.

Matt Rhoades Campaign Manager Romney for President, Inc.