
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Hey - can you join the Campus Callers?


1 email variation



I learned early on from working with President Obama that in politics, as in basketball, you win as a team and you lose as a team.

When it's your turn to step up to the line, you do what whatever's needed to get the job done.

Students like you can decide this election -- period.

But you've got to take the first step and get involved.

That's why I'm inviting you to join Campus Callers, a special group of students across the country making calls on behalf of the President.

There's too much at stake for us to sit back in this election: issues like student loan reform, access to affordable health care, and an economy in which everyone plays by the same rules.

I've had the honor of watching President Obama fight every single day to make sure that everyone gets a fair shake -- like doubling funding for Pell Grants so more students can afford college, and signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to make sure women can fight back when they don't receive equal pay in the workplace.

This is our one shot at shaping what our next four years look like. We've got to do what it takes to win.

And that means getting involved. Join Campus Callers and help get the President's message out today:



----- Commit to vote today , and make sure your friends do, too.

Paid for by Obama for America

Subject: Hey - can you join the Campus Callers?

From: Reggie Love, <[email protected]>

Sent: Oct. 18, 2012, 12:55 p.m.

I learned early on from working with President Obama that in politics, as in basketball, you win as a team and you lose as a team.

When it's your turn to step up to the line, you do what whatever's needed to get the job done.

Students like you can decide this election -- period.

But you've got to take the first step and get involved.

That's why I'm inviting you to join Campus Callers, a special group of students across the country making calls on behalf of the President.

There's too much at stake for us to sit back in this election: issues like student loan reform, access to affordable health care, and an economy in which everyone plays by the same rules.

I've had the honor of watching President Obama fight every single day to make sure that everyone gets a fair shake -- like doubling funding for Pell Grants so more students can afford college, and signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to make sure women can fight back when they don't receive equal pay in the workplace.

This is our one shot at shaping what our next four years look like. We've got to do what it takes to win.

And that means getting involved. Join Campus Callers and help get the President's message out today:



----- Commit to vote today , and make sure your friends do, too.

Paid for by Obama for America