
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

I was clear


1 email variation



The debate on Thursday made America's choice clear. We can have four more years like the last four years -- or implement real reforms that lead to a real recovery.

Joe Biden couldn't defend the failed Obama economy -- which has by the Vice President's own admission "buried" the middle class. His empty rhetoric offered no solutions for the 23 million Americans who are struggling for work.

I was clear with the American people -- it's time to solve our debt crisis and stagnant employment and get our country working again. Mitt Romney and I have solutions, not excuses.

A Romney-Ryan administration will grow the economy, create jobs, and get our fiscal house in order. We will recover.

[url] Watch this ad, and please contribute, so we can bring America the recovery it deserves.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Subject: I was clear

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 14, 2012, 2:20 p.m.

The debate on Thursday made America's choice clear. We can have four more years like the last four years -- or implement real reforms that lead to a real recovery.

Joe Biden couldn't defend the failed Obama economy -- which has by the Vice President's own admission "buried" the middle class. His empty rhetoric offered no solutions for the 23 million Americans who are struggling for work.

I was clear with the American people -- it's time to solve our debt crisis and stagnant employment and get our country working again. Mitt Romney and I have solutions, not excuses.

A Romney-Ryan administration will grow the economy, create jobs, and get our fiscal house in order. We will recover.

[url] Watch this ad, and please contribute, so we can bring America the recovery it deserves.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

