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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Join Seniors for Obama


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Obama - Biden

The moment Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate, this election got a lot more urgent for anyone who cares about Medicare, Social Security, and a secure retirement.

The Romney-Ryan budget would cut Medicare -- not to make the program more efficient -- but to make room for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. And Ryan has even proposed plans to raise the retirement age and privatize Social Security, asking seniors to trust their retirement savings to the whims of Wall Street.

Romney and Ryan are effectively saying to seniors: "Too bad -- you're on your own."

We can't sit back and let Republicans dismantle Medicare and other crucial programs. _Join Seniors for Obama, and help get the word out about how devastating a Romney-Ryan administration would be. _

Let's dig a little deeper into why Mitt Romney's pick for VP matters:

The Romney-Ryan budget would turn Medicare -- which folks have been paying into for years, in expectation of protection and care in old age -- into a voucher program. Instead of being covered by Medicare, every senior would get a voucher to buy insurance, but the vouchers wouldn't come close to covering seniors' health care costs. The bipartisan Congressional Budget Office even looked at the plan authored by Paul Ryan, and found that seniors would be on the hook for an extra $X a year.

By shifting seniors to the private market, private insurers would make a windfall profit, while seniors would be hung out to dry.

Think about that in contrast to what President Obama's health care reform has done for seniors. The Affordable Care Act has lowered Medicare costs, cutting premiums and deductibles, and helping close the prescription drug doughnut hole -- which saved those with Medicare an average of $X last year on prescription drug costs. Thanks to Obamacare, Medicare also now covers a range of preventive services free of charge, like flu shots, checkups, mammograms, and colon cancer screenings.

And by eliminating inefficiencies and cracking down on waste and fraud, the Affordable Care Act has extended the life of Medicare, protecting it for our future. A Romney-Ryan administration would roll back Obamacare on Day One.

There's a stark difference here, measurable in dollars and cents -- and in seniors' well-being.

So support the leader who is standing up for our future. Join Seniors for Obama today:

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Buffy Wicks Operation Vote Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Subject: Join Seniors for Obama

From: Buffy Wicks, <[email protected]>

Sent: Aug. 16, 2012, 12:43 a.m.

Obama - Biden

The moment Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate, this election got a lot more urgent for anyone who cares about Medicare, Social Security, and a secure retirement.

The Romney-Ryan budget would cut Medicare -- not to make the program more efficient -- but to make room for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. And Ryan has even proposed plans to raise the retirement age and privatize Social Security, asking seniors to trust their retirement savings to the whims of Wall Street.

Romney and Ryan are effectively saying to seniors: "Too bad -- you're on your own."

We can't sit back and let Republicans dismantle Medicare and other crucial programs. _Join Seniors for Obama, and help get the word out about how devastating a Romney-Ryan administration would be. _

Let's dig a little deeper into why Mitt Romney's pick for VP matters:

The Romney-Ryan budget would turn Medicare -- which folks have been paying into for years, in expectation of protection and care in old age -- into a voucher program. Instead of being covered by Medicare, every senior would get a voucher to buy insurance, but the vouchers wouldn't come close to covering seniors' health care costs. The bipartisan Congressional Budget Office even looked at the plan authored by Paul Ryan, and found that seniors would be on the hook for an extra $X a year.

By shifting seniors to the private market, private insurers would make a windfall profit, while seniors would be hung out to dry.

Think about that in contrast to what President Obama's health care reform has done for seniors. The Affordable Care Act has lowered Medicare costs, cutting premiums and deductibles, and helping close the prescription drug doughnut hole -- which saved those with Medicare an average of $X last year on prescription drug costs. Thanks to Obamacare, Medicare also now covers a range of preventive services free of charge, like flu shots, checkups, mammograms, and colon cancer screenings.

And by eliminating inefficiencies and cracking down on waste and fraud, the Affordable Care Act has extended the life of Medicare, protecting it for our future. A Romney-Ryan administration would roll back Obamacare on Day One.

There's a stark difference here, measurable in dollars and cents -- and in seniors' well-being.

So support the leader who is standing up for our future. Join Seniors for Obama today:

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Buffy Wicks Operation Vote Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America