
Journalism in the Public Interest

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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Just got home


1 email variation



— I just got home to Boston from Charlotte -- and I can tell you that you could feel it inside that hall last night: President Obama gave everyone every ounce of motivation imaginable.

But for everything he talked about -- today, we must focus on winning this election.

The polls have been deadlocked for months, but in the coming days, one side will very likely take a permanent lead. Your support, right now, will determine which way the needle tilts.

If we don't win the bounce, we won't win this election.

Think about the feeling you would have on Election Night hearing the race called for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Instead, put in the work now, contribute $X and fight for President Obama and a Democratic Senate. We only need 50,000 contributions before midnight to make it Kerry

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Subject: Just got home

From: [email protected]

Sent: Sept. 7, 2012, 3:23 p.m.

— I just got home to Boston from Charlotte -- and I can tell you that you could feel it inside that hall last night: President Obama gave everyone every ounce of motivation imaginable.

But for everything he talked about -- today, we must focus on winning this election.

The polls have been deadlocked for months, but in the coming days, one side will very likely take a permanent lead. Your support, right now, will determine which way the needle tilts.

If we don't win the bounce, we won't win this election.

Think about the feeling you would have on Election Night hearing the race called for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Instead, put in the work now, contribute $X and fight for President Obama and a Democratic Senate. We only need 50,000 contributions before midnight to make it Kerry

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.