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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Late surge


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The Hill: "Late surges for Republican Senate candidates in Pennsylvania and Ohio… have turned them into cliffhangers." Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ------------------------------ Final ad buy deadline: 12 hours. Contribute.

The Hill: “Late surges for Republican Senate candidates in Pennsylvania and Ohio… have turned them into cliffhangers.”

Our majority is on the brink . You have 16 hours to “Stop the Takeover.” A dozen Senate races are looking like nail-biters. Karl Rove aims to snatch these critical states with an onslaught of shameful, nasty ads.

You have 16 hours to “Stop the Takeover!” We can fight Rove and hang on to the Senate by the skin of our teeth, but this is our last chance to buy TV ads to bring this home.

If you sit this out, we will lose. Period.

16 hours to “Stop the Takeover.” This is our absolute last chance to reach voters on TV and we need you to give $ VARCHAR24 before midnight.

I know you've seen the pundits and the projections. Everything comes down to a few key states.

Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin. That's where we'll re-elect President Obama in 4 days. But you have to give $ VARCHAR24 right away. If you don't, it could all slip away. Dick Durbin


Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Subject: Late surge

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 2, 2012, 5:15 a.m.

The Hill: "Late surges for Republican Senate candidates in Pennsylvania and Ohio… have turned them into cliffhangers." Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ------------------------------ Final ad buy deadline: 12 hours. Contribute.

The Hill: “Late surges for Republican Senate candidates in Pennsylvania and Ohio… have turned them into cliffhangers.”

Our majority is on the brink . You have 16 hours to “Stop the Takeover.” A dozen Senate races are looking like nail-biters. Karl Rove aims to snatch these critical states with an onslaught of shameful, nasty ads.

You have 16 hours to “Stop the Takeover!” We can fight Rove and hang on to the Senate by the skin of our teeth, but this is our last chance to buy TV ads to bring this home.

If you sit this out, we will lose. Period.

16 hours to “Stop the Takeover.” This is our absolute last chance to reach voters on TV and we need you to give $ VARCHAR24 before midnight.

I know you've seen the pundits and the projections. Everything comes down to a few key states.

Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin. That's where we'll re-elect President Obama in 4 days. But you have to give $ VARCHAR24 right away. If you don't, it could all slip away. Dick Durbin


Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to Email . To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
