
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

[name], it’s clear


1 email variation



It's clear -- Barack Obama has no second term agenda.

Although President Obama won't lay out his plan for a second term, we already know what it will be -- a repeat of the last four years. We can't afford four more years of crushing debt and wasteful spending.

We know what President Obama will do on taxes. He's already raised taxes 21 times -- and he'll raise taxes by $X trillion more. Middle-class families will face a $X-a-year tax increase just to service his debt and spending proposals.

As Governor of Massachusetts, I cut taxes 19 times. As president, I won't raise taxes on anyone; I will deliver tax cuts to the middle class; and I will simplify the tax code to make it simpler, flatter, and fairer.

We know what President Obama will do on spending. President Obama's already increased our debt by $X.5 trillion -- and he'll let our national debt climb to $X trillion by 2016. He's promised a second stimulus, yet we don't even know where the first one went.

As Governor of Massachusetts, I balanced the budget every year without raising taxes and led our state to a credit upgrade. As president, I will cut and cap spending, restore our AAA credit rating, and set us on a path to a balanced budget.

[url] I have a clear plan to put America on a path to prosperity. Contribute now to help promote my clear vision for America.

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Subject: [name], it’s clear

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 20, 2012, 2:26 p.m.

It's clear -- Barack Obama has no second term agenda.

Although President Obama won't lay out his plan for a second term, we already know what it will be -- a repeat of the last four years. We can't afford four more years of crushing debt and wasteful spending.

We know what President Obama will do on taxes. He's already raised taxes 21 times -- and he'll raise taxes by $X trillion more. Middle-class families will face a $X-a-year tax increase just to service his debt and spending proposals.

As Governor of Massachusetts, I cut taxes 19 times. As president, I won't raise taxes on anyone; I will deliver tax cuts to the middle class; and I will simplify the tax code to make it simpler, flatter, and fairer.

We know what President Obama will do on spending. President Obama's already increased our debt by $X.5 trillion -- and he'll let our national debt climb to $X trillion by 2016. He's promised a second stimulus, yet we don't even know where the first one went.

As Governor of Massachusetts, I balanced the budget every year without raising taxes and led our state to a credit upgrade. As president, I will cut and cap spending, restore our AAA credit rating, and set us on a path to a balanced budget.

[url] I have a clear plan to put America on a path to prosperity. Contribute now to help promote my clear vision for America.

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

