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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

There's a word for people like this


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The Washington Post reported this morning that "Mitt Romney's financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India."

This is the same guy that goes around the campaign trail talking a huge game about being able to protect American jobs by standing up to foreign countries like China. But now we know that Romney and his partners made millions while sending American jobs overseas.

This is a critical point, and we need to make sure everyone knows it. Check out this video I recorded today, and share it far and wide:

Romney's support of outsourcing didn't just happen in the private sector. As governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed legislation that would have banned companies from shipping state jobs overseas -- and he actually outsourced state jobs to a call center in India.

In contrast, President Obama has a jobs plan that could put up to a million people back to work -- including teachers, cops, firefighters, construction workers, and veterans -- help small businesses create jobs right now, and help to put an end to American jobs being shipped overseas. He's also fighting for tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back to America.

Mitt Romney is fighting for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas -- the type of companies he ran in the private sector.

This isn't just a policy position for Romney, it's his economic philosophy -- and it's his record.

Read the article, watch the video, and share them both far and wide -- doesn't get a lot more important than this one:




P.S. -- Chip in $X or more today, and help make sure we have the resources to spread the truth about Romney's record.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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This morning's Washington Post headline sums it up: "Under Romney, Bain's companies sent jobs abroad."

During Mitt Romney's tenure as a corporate buyout specialist, companies he and his partners owned were "pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories" in countries like India and China.

Romney knows that outsourcing has hurt America and American workers. Here's something rich: He even told factory workers in Ohio that if he becomes president, the killing of American jobs is "going to end."

But the tax plan that Romney's proposing today rewards companies that follow in his footsteps by shipping jobs outside our borders.

There's a word for people who say one thing and do the opposite.

So here's the choice we're putting before voters in this election: Romney pretends to condemn outsourcing, but his plan rewards it and he personally practiced it. President Obama wants to put Americans back to work.

Donate $X or whatever you can today:




Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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image: Obama - Biden --

An explosive article on the front page of today's Washington

Postpresents damning new evidence on Mitt Romney's firm outsourcing

jobs during

his time in the private sector.

Romney's firm owned companies that were "pioneers" of the outsourcing boom

during the '90s, according to the lengthy piece documenting his time

running Bain Capital. And we're not just talking about outsourcing jobs

when trying to turn around a failing company.

His firm owned companies that outsourced jobs from perfectly healthy

companies as a matter of course -- in order to make profits for themselves.

Even more disturbing: His firm bought and built companies whose very

business was outsourcing. These firms positioned themselves to take

advantage of the outsourcing of American jobs to China, India, and anywhere

else -- and Bain earned fees from these firms as they implemented their

outsourcing plans.

This is exactly the wrong kind of person to be president.

You can tell because Mitt Romney's tax proposals provide massive breaks for

corporations that -- surprise! -- send American jobs overseas.

The only thing that can stop him is you. Make your donation now:


Please forward this email to anyone you know who should get the facts.

- Stephanie

Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

P.S. -- Here's the link to the article:


image: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Subject: "Pioneers" of outsourcing

From: [email protected]

Sent: June 22, 2012, 1:38 p.m.

The Washington Post reported this morning that "Mitt Romney's financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India."

This is the same guy that goes around the campaign trail talking a huge game about being able to protect American jobs by standing up to foreign countries like China. But now we know that Romney and his partners made millions while sending American jobs overseas.

This is a critical point, and we need to make sure everyone knows it. Check out this video I recorded today, and share it far and wide:

Romney's support of outsourcing didn't just happen in the private sector. As governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed legislation that would have banned companies from shipping state jobs overseas -- and he actually outsourced state jobs to a call center in India.

In contrast, President Obama has a jobs plan that could put up to a million people back to work -- including teachers, cops, firefighters, construction workers, and veterans -- help small businesses create jobs right now, and help to put an end to American jobs being shipped overseas. He's also fighting for tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back to America.

Mitt Romney is fighting for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas -- the type of companies he ran in the private sector.

This isn't just a policy position for Romney, it's his economic philosophy -- and it's his record.

Read the article, watch the video, and share them both far and wide -- doesn't get a lot more important than this one:




P.S. -- Chip in $X or more today, and help make sure we have the resources to spread the truth about Romney's record.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Subject: "Pioneers" of outsourcing

From: [email protected]

Sent: June 22, 2012, 1:38 p.m.

The Washington Post reported this morning that "Mitt Romney's financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India."

This is the same guy that goes around the campaign trail talking a huge game about being able to protect American jobs by standing up to foreign countries like China. But now we know that Romney and his partners made millions while sending American jobs overseas.

This is a critical point, and we need to make sure everyone knows it. Check out this video I recorded today, and share it far and wide:

Romney's support of outsourcing didn't just happen in the private sector. As governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed legislation that would have banned companies from shipping state jobs overseas -- and he actually outsourced state jobs to a call center in India.

In contrast, President Obama has a jobs plan that could put up to a million people back to work -- including teachers, cops, firefighters, construction workers, and veterans -- help small businesses create jobs right now, and help to put an end to American jobs being shipped overseas. He's also fighting for tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back to America.

Mitt Romney is fighting for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas -- the type of companies he ran in the private sector.

This isn't just a policy position for Romney, it's his economic philosophy -- and it's his record.

Read the article, watch the video, and share them both far and wide -- doesn't get a lot more important than this one:




P.S. -- Chip in $X or more today, and help make sure we have the resources to spread the truth about Romney's record.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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The Washington Post reported this morning that "Mitt Romney's financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India."

This is the same guy that goes around the campaign trail talking a huge game about being able to protect American jobs by standing up to foreign countries like China. But now we know that Romney and his partners made millions while sending American jobs overseas.

This is a critical point, and we need to make sure everyone knows it. Check out this video I recorded today, and share it far and wide:

Romney's support of outsourcing didn't just happen in the private sector. As governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed legislation that would have banned companies from shipping state jobs overseas -- and he actually outsourced state jobs to a call center in India.

In contrast, President Obama has a jobs plan that could put up to a million people back to work -- including teachers, cops, firefighters, construction workers, and veterans -- help small businesses create jobs right now, and help to put an end to American jobs being shipped overseas. He's also fighting for tax breaks for companies that bring jobs back to America.

Mitt Romney is fighting for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas -- the type of companies he ran in the private sector.

This isn't just a policy position for Romney, it's his economic philosophy -- and it's his record.

Read the article, watch the video, and share them both far and wide -- doesn't get a lot more important than this one:




P.S. -- Chip in $X or more today, and help make sure we have the resources to spread the truth about Romney's record.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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This morning's Washington Post headline sums it up: "Under Romney, Bain's companies sent jobs abroad."

During Mitt Romney's tenure as a corporate buyout specialist, companies he and his partners owned were "pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories" in countries like India and China.

Romney knows that outsourcing has hurt America and American workers. Here's something rich: He even told factory workers in Ohio that if he becomes president, the killing of American jobs is "going to end."

But the tax plan that Romney's proposing today rewards companies that follow in his footsteps by shipping jobs outside our borders.

There's a word for people who say one thing and do the opposite.

So here's the choice we're putting before voters in this election: Romney pretends to condemn outsourcing, but his plan rewards it and he personally practiced it. President Obama wants to put Americans back to work.

Donate $X or whatever you can today:




Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Update address | Unsubscribe

image: Obama - Biden --

An explosive article on the front page of today's Washington

Postpresents damning new evidence on Mitt Romney's firm outsourcing

jobs during

his time in the private sector.

Romney's firm owned companies that were "pioneers" of the outsourcing boom

during the '90s, according to the lengthy piece documenting his time

running Bain Capital. And we're not just talking about outsourcing jobs

when trying to turn around a failing company.

His firm owned companies that outsourced jobs from perfectly healthy

companies as a matter of course -- in order to make profits for themselves.

Even more disturbing: His firm bought and built companies whose very

business was outsourcing. These firms positioned themselves to take

advantage of the outsourcing of American jobs to China, India, and anywhere

else -- and Bain earned fees from these firms as they implemented their

outsourcing plans.

This is exactly the wrong kind of person to be president.

You can tell because Mitt Romney's tax proposals provide massive breaks for

corporations that -- surprise! -- send American jobs overseas.

The only thing that can stop him is you. Make your donation now:


Please forward this email to anyone you know who should get the facts.

- Stephanie

Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

P.S. -- Here's the link to the article:


image: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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