
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

A little something about Mitt Romney


1 email variation



image: Obama - Biden --

If only every voter knew this about Mitt Romney:

He wants to "cut back" on jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police

officers. He wants to write discrimination against LGBT Americans into the

Constitution, repeal health reform, turn Medicare into a voucher program,

and gut investments in middle-class security. He'll cut important safety

regulations, promote tax cuts for himself and people like him, and destroy

any sense of security for working families.

Romney and his allies will have more than $X.2 billion to get him elected

to enact that agenda.

That's who we're facing. And if we don't dig deeper and work harder right

now, he could very well be the next president of the United States.

I'll leave it at that. Donate $X or whatever you can today:




Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

image: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: [email]

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Subject: The Mitt Romney manual

From: Stephanie Cutter, <[email protected]>

Sent: June 24, 2012, 5:41 a.m.

image: Obama - Biden --

If only every voter knew this about Mitt Romney:

He wants to "cut back" on jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police

officers. He wants to write discrimination against LGBT Americans into the

Constitution, repeal health reform, turn Medicare into a voucher program,

and gut investments in middle-class security. He'll cut important safety

regulations, promote tax cuts for himself and people like him, and destroy

any sense of security for working families.

Romney and his allies will have more than $X.2 billion to get him elected

to enact that agenda.

That's who we're facing. And if we don't dig deeper and work harder right

now, he could very well be the next president of the United States.

I'll leave it at that. Donate $X or whatever you can today:




Stephanie Cutter

Deputy Campaign Manager

Obama for America

image: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: [email]

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