
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Today we need your vote


5 email variations



Tomorrow is Election Day. These last few months, I've watched our campaign become a nationwide movement.

It's not just the size of the crowds -- it's the depth of our shared conviction, the readiness for new possibilities, and the belief that we can do better than we've done these past four years.

I am asking for your vote tomorrow -- because it matters for your family and our country's future.

Throughout my life, I've led turnarounds of every kind. I pledge that Paul Ryan and I will bring real change to America from Day One. We have a plan that will deliver a real recovery.

Our children will graduate into exciting careers that are worthy of their qualifications. Our seniors will be confident that their retirement is secure. Americans will have good jobs, good pay, and good benefits. Our veterans will come home to a bright future. We will have confidence that our lives are safe and our livelihoods are secure.

If you are ready for that kind of change -- if you want this to be a turning point in America's course -- join us and vote Tuesday for the kind of leadership that these times demand.

This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Romney please visit our website we have to win this for America -- and with your vote, we will. We are hours away from the better future America deserves.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney


Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.





Election Day is finally upon us, and we need your vote. I'm honored to have spent the past several months traveling the country, meeting incredible people who are ready to say goodbye to the failed policies of the last four years. Americans deserve better than that. They deserve someone who will wake up every morning thinking about how to save the country -- not whom to blame. Mitt Romney will take responsibility as a leader and face the tough issues head-on. There is a clear choice in this election, and today Mitt and I ask for your vote. Please vote, and make sure your friends and family do too. Today is the day we decide what kind of country we are going to give our kids and grandkids. This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Ryan please visit our website .

Paul Ryan

[url] Ryan P.S. Help us get out the vote.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.




Romney-Ryan have a plan to turn around America, and I'm ready to get to work, but first I need your vote. This is going to be a historically tight race -- and every vote counts.

Please vote today, and remind your friends and family to do the same .

Your vote matters. It matters for your kids and their kids. It matters for 23 million Americans struggling for work. And it matters for the future of our nation and the strength of our economy. Paul Ryan and I have a plan to lead America to a real recovery, to prosperity and opportunity.

After you've voted, we still need your help to turn out our supporters. Find out how to help us get out the vote .

We're all in this together. A better future for America can begin today.

Mitt Romney Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Romney-Ryan Friend,

Election Day is finally here.

Please vote today, and remind your friends and family to do the same.

Your voice counts in this election and it needs to be heard. This is your opportunity to make a difference in our nation's course.

Please vote today.

A better future can begin today.


Ann Romney

P.S. After you've voted, we still need your help. Find out how to help us get out the vote. Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Romney-Ryan are open for a few more hours. Your vote, and your outreach efforts, will determine the outcome.

America's future is up to you.

Please get out and

and remind your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to do the same.

Help us get out the vote by making calls today into battleground states.

Thank you for standing with me,

Mitt Romney Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: [name], I need your vote

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 6, 2012, 7:35 a.m.

Tomorrow is Election Day. These last few months, I've watched our campaign become a nationwide movement.

It's not just the size of the crowds -- it's the depth of our shared conviction, the readiness for new possibilities, and the belief that we can do better than we've done these past four years.

I am asking for your vote tomorrow -- because it matters for your family and our country's future.

Throughout my life, I've led turnarounds of every kind. I pledge that Paul Ryan and I will bring real change to America from Day One. We have a plan that will deliver a real recovery.

Our children will graduate into exciting careers that are worthy of their qualifications. Our seniors will be confident that their retirement is secure. Americans will have good jobs, good pay, and good benefits. Our veterans will come home to a bright future. We will have confidence that our lives are safe and our livelihoods are secure.

If you are ready for that kind of change -- if you want this to be a turning point in America's course -- join us and vote Tuesday for the kind of leadership that these times demand.

This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Romney please visit our website we have to win this for America -- and with your vote, we will. We are hours away from the better future America deserves.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney


Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.




Compare variations

Subject: [name], I need your vote

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 6, 2012, 7:35 a.m.

Tomorrow is Election Day. These last few months, I've watched our campaign become a nationwide movement.

It's not just the size of the crowds -- it's the depth of our shared conviction, the readiness for new possibilities, and the belief that we can do better than we've done these past four years.

I am asking for your vote tomorrow -- because it matters for your family and our country's future.

Throughout my life, I've led turnarounds of every kind. I pledge that Paul Ryan and I will bring real change to America from Day One. We have a plan that will deliver a real recovery.

Our children will graduate into exciting careers that are worthy of their qualifications. Our seniors will be confident that their retirement is secure. Americans will have good jobs, good pay, and good benefits. Our veterans will come home to a bright future. We will have confidence that our lives are safe and our livelihoods are secure.

If you are ready for that kind of change -- if you want this to be a turning point in America's course -- join us and vote Tuesday for the kind of leadership that these times demand.

This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Romney please visit our website we have to win this for America -- and with your vote, we will. We are hours away from the better future America deserves.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney


Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Tomorrow is Election Day. These last few months, I've watched our campaign become a nationwide movement.

It's not just the size of the crowds -- it's the depth of our shared conviction, the readiness for new possibilities, and the belief that we can do better than we've done these past four years.

I am asking for your vote tomorrow -- because it matters for your family and our country's future.

Throughout my life, I've led turnarounds of every kind. I pledge that Paul Ryan and I will bring real change to America from Day One. We have a plan that will deliver a real recovery.

Our children will graduate into exciting careers that are worthy of their qualifications. Our seniors will be confident that their retirement is secure. Americans will have good jobs, good pay, and good benefits. Our veterans will come home to a bright future. We will have confidence that our lives are safe and our livelihoods are secure.

If you are ready for that kind of change -- if you want this to be a turning point in America's course -- join us and vote Tuesday for the kind of leadership that these times demand.

This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Romney please visit our website we have to win this for America -- and with your vote, we will. We are hours away from the better future America deserves.

Thank you,

Mitt Romney


Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Election Day is finally upon us, and we need your vote. I'm honored to have spent the past several months traveling the country, meeting incredible people who are ready to say goodbye to the failed policies of the last four years. Americans deserve better than that. They deserve someone who will wake up every morning thinking about how to save the country -- not whom to blame. Mitt Romney will take responsibility as a leader and face the tough issues head-on. There is a clear choice in this election, and today Mitt and I ask for your vote. Please vote, and make sure your friends and family do too. Today is the day we decide what kind of country we are going to give our kids and grandkids. This is the most important election of our lifetime -- and every vote counts. If you have any questions about where to vote, [url] Ryan please visit our website .

Paul Ryan

[url] Ryan P.S. Help us get out the vote.

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.


Romney-Ryan have a plan to turn around America, and I'm ready to get to work, but first I need your vote. This is going to be a historically tight race -- and every vote counts.

Please vote today, and remind your friends and family to do the same .

Your vote matters. It matters for your kids and their kids. It matters for 23 million Americans struggling for work. And it matters for the future of our nation and the strength of our economy. Paul Ryan and I have a plan to lead America to a real recovery, to prosperity and opportunity.

After you've voted, we still need your help to turn out our supporters. Find out how to help us get out the vote .

We're all in this together. A better future for America can begin today.

Mitt Romney Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Romney-Ryan Friend,

Election Day is finally here.

Please vote today, and remind your friends and family to do the same.

Your voice counts in this election and it needs to be heard. This is your opportunity to make a difference in our nation's course.

Please vote today.

A better future can begin today.


Ann Romney

P.S. After you've voted, we still need your help. Find out how to help us get out the vote. Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Romney-Ryan are open for a few more hours. Your vote, and your outreach efforts, will determine the outcome.

America's future is up to you.

Please get out and

and remind your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to do the same.

Help us get out the vote by making calls today into battleground states.

Thank you for standing with me,

Mitt Romney Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.