
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Tonight's debate


2 email variations



This election is a choice between two very different visions for our nation's future, and that choice will be on full display at the debate tonight.

President Obama's imaginary recovery has taken a very real toll on America's middle class. Yet, he's offering no new solutions to turn around the stagnant unemployment and record poverty of the last four years -- just more of the same old irresponsible spending and failed policies that got us here.

Mitt Romney and I, on the other hand, have a real recovery plan for a stronger middle class that will create 12 million new jobs by the end of our first term -- and lead us out of this economic crisis.

Barack Obama doesn't have a record to run on, or a plan for the future.

We do -- and that's why we want this debate.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.





Americans deserve a clear choice about what kind of future we're going to have, and Governor Romney provided that contrast tonight.

Mitt won this debate by effectively articulating his positive vision for a better America and the specific solutions needed to achieve it. The President, meanwhile, offered only more of the same failed ideas that have left those in the middle class - as Joe Biden put it - "buried."

As we continue to sharpen the focus on the big choice in this election, Americans will see that we cannot afford four more years like the last. We need a real recovery, and Mitt Romney can get the job done.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Subject: Tonight's debate

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 3, 2012, 3:33 p.m.

This election is a choice between two very different visions for our nation's future, and that choice will be on full display at the debate tonight.

President Obama's imaginary recovery has taken a very real toll on America's middle class. Yet, he's offering no new solutions to turn around the stagnant unemployment and record poverty of the last four years -- just more of the same old irresponsible spending and failed policies that got us here.

Mitt Romney and I, on the other hand, have a real recovery plan for a stronger middle class that will create 12 million new jobs by the end of our first term -- and lead us out of this economic crisis.

Barack Obama doesn't have a record to run on, or a plan for the future.

We do -- and that's why we want this debate.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.




Compare variations

Subject: Tonight's debate

From: [email protected]

Sent: Oct. 3, 2012, 3:33 p.m.

This election is a choice between two very different visions for our nation's future, and that choice will be on full display at the debate tonight.

President Obama's imaginary recovery has taken a very real toll on America's middle class. Yet, he's offering no new solutions to turn around the stagnant unemployment and record poverty of the last four years -- just more of the same old irresponsible spending and failed policies that got us here.

Mitt Romney and I, on the other hand, have a real recovery plan for a stronger middle class that will create 12 million new jobs by the end of our first term -- and lead us out of this economic crisis.

Barack Obama doesn't have a record to run on, or a plan for the future.

We do -- and that's why we want this debate.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



This election is a choice between two very different visions for our nation's future, and that choice will be on full display at the debate tonight.

President Obama's imaginary recovery has taken a very real toll on America's middle class. Yet, he's offering no new solutions to turn around the stagnant unemployment and record poverty of the last four years -- just more of the same old irresponsible spending and failed policies that got us here.

Mitt Romney and I, on the other hand, have a real recovery plan for a stronger middle class that will create 12 million new jobs by the end of our first term -- and lead us out of this economic crisis.

Barack Obama doesn't have a record to run on, or a plan for the future.

We do -- and that's why we want this debate.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Americans deserve a clear choice about what kind of future we're going to have, and Governor Romney provided that contrast tonight.

Mitt won this debate by effectively articulating his positive vision for a better America and the specific solutions needed to achieve it. The President, meanwhile, offered only more of the same failed ideas that have left those in the middle class - as Joe Biden put it - "buried."

As we continue to sharpen the focus on the big choice in this election, Americans will see that we cannot afford four more years like the last. We need a real recovery, and Mitt Romney can get the job done.

[url] Donate now to help us put our plan into action and get America working again.

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

