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Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

We want this debate


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We want this debate on Medicare -- we are ready for it, and we will win it. It's mind-boggling to hear President Obama and his liberal cronies level deceptive and desperate claims about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's plan to protect and strengthen Medicare.

It's ironic, because some four years ago, Obama campaigned against "drastic cuts in Medicare." Yet, President Obama turned Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare -- and he raided $X billion from Medicare to pay for his Obamacare monstrosity.

His campaign calls this an achievement -- we call this a raid.

According to a report from the Administration's own Health and Human Services Department, Obamacare's cuts will reduce enrollment in Medicare Advantage by 50 percent and leave seniors with increased out-of-pocket costs. And the Medicare Actuary estimates that 15 percent of "hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies" will be in the red before the decade is over.

Obama and his allies won't tell you all that -- nor will they tell you that their beloved Obamacare puts in place a new board of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are required to cut Medicare every year, which will lead to denied care for current seniors.

Medicare should not be a piggy bank for Obamacare -- it should be a guaranteed promise that our seniors can count on. Obama's plan weakens Medicare, hurts current seniors and future beneficiaries, and takes money from the trust fund you have paid into all your life.

Under current projections, Medicare will not be solvent in just 12 years.

The Republican team and the Romney-Ryan plan will protect and strengthen Medicare for current and future beneficiaries. Our plan will enact patient-centered healthcare reforms that improve access and control costs. It also will contain entitlement reform that protects Medicare for current seniors while strengthening it for future generations.

Donate $X and show your support for the Romney-Ryan Plan.

Gail Gitcho Communications Director Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: We want this debate

From: [email protected]

Sent: Aug. 22, 2012, 6:30 p.m.

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We want this debate on Medicare -- we are ready for it, and we will win it. It's mind-boggling to hear President Obama and his liberal cronies level deceptive and desperate claims about Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's plan to protect and strengthen Medicare.

It's ironic, because some four years ago, Obama campaigned against "drastic cuts in Medicare." Yet, President Obama turned Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare -- and he raided $X billion from Medicare to pay for his Obamacare monstrosity.

His campaign calls this an achievement -- we call this a raid.

According to a report from the Administration's own Health and Human Services Department, Obamacare's cuts will reduce enrollment in Medicare Advantage by 50 percent and leave seniors with increased out-of-pocket costs. And the Medicare Actuary estimates that 15 percent of "hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies" will be in the red before the decade is over.

Obama and his allies won't tell you all that -- nor will they tell you that their beloved Obamacare puts in place a new board of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are required to cut Medicare every year, which will lead to denied care for current seniors.

Medicare should not be a piggy bank for Obamacare -- it should be a guaranteed promise that our seniors can count on. Obama's plan weakens Medicare, hurts current seniors and future beneficiaries, and takes money from the trust fund you have paid into all your life.

Under current projections, Medicare will not be solvent in just 12 years.

The Republican team and the Romney-Ryan plan will protect and strengthen Medicare for current and future beneficiaries. Our plan will enact patient-centered healthcare reforms that improve access and control costs. It also will contain entitlement reform that protects Medicare for current seniors while strengthening it for future generations.

Donate $X and show your support for the Romney-Ryan Plan.

Gail Gitcho Communications Director Romney for President, Inc.