
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

You’ve stepped up


1 email variation



Romney-Ryan week, supporters from all over the country heeded our call to raise $X million in 7 days to bring our message into new states. Because of you we have reached our goal in just 5 days and are now on air, sharing our plan to create 12 million new jobs.

Thank you for believing it's time for real change, and that America can do better than the last four years.

Now, with 3 days left we are asking you to dig a little deeper to support our effort to raise $X million by tonight.

Your contribution will help us reach our goal, and help us reserve airtime in other critical states to share our plan for a real recovery.

Together, we will push back against the billion-dollar Obama juggernaut and redefine the landscape of this election.

There is no time to waste -- please contribute $X or more now to help us win on November 6.

Thank you for standing with me,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Subject: You’ve stepped up


Sent: Nov. 3, 2012, 5:39 a.m.

Romney-Ryan week, supporters from all over the country heeded our call to raise $X million in 7 days to bring our message into new states. Because of you we have reached our goal in just 5 days and are now on air, sharing our plan to create 12 million new jobs.

Thank you for believing it's time for real change, and that America can do better than the last four years.

Now, with 3 days left we are asking you to dig a little deeper to support our effort to raise $X million by tonight.

Your contribution will help us reach our goal, and help us reserve airtime in other critical states to share our plan for a real recovery.

Together, we will push back against the billion-dollar Obama juggernaut and redefine the landscape of this election.

There is no time to waste -- please contribute $X or more now to help us win on November 6.

Thank you for standing with me,

Mitt Romney

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.