
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Your limited-edition victory magnet


1 email variation



Give the gift of our limited-edition victory magnet -- plus get 40% off all orders of $X or more this week using the coupon code VICTORY:


Act fast: The deadline is Friday at midnight.

Obama Store 2012

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Virginia State Democratic Parties.

Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for general election debt retirement. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided equally among the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Virginia State Democratic Party Committees, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits. A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution or if Obama for America receives sufficient funds to pay its outstanding debts. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Subject: Your limited-edition victory magnet

From: [email protected]

Sent: Nov. 26, 2012, 11:54 a.m.

Give the gift of our limited-edition victory magnet -- plus get 40% off all orders of $X or more this week using the coupon code VICTORY:


Act fast: The deadline is Friday at midnight.

Obama Store 2012

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Virginia State Democratic Parties.

Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for general election debt retirement. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided equally among the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Virginia State Democratic Party Committees, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits. A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution or if Obama for America receives sufficient funds to pay its outstanding debts. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.