Segregation Now
Investigating America's Racial Divide
Resegregated Schools, Through Their Eyes
Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, teens at two Tuscaloosa high schools tell their own stories of race and education through photography. | Related story »

Northridge High School drum majors Corey Nevels, left, Conner Lathem, center, and Corey Braggs — also known as the 'Triple Threat' — practice the salute they give before a typical half-time performance. By Camri Mason, Northridge High

Students from Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary take part in the Central High School homecoming parade, October 2013. Martin Luther King students are in the same cluster as Central High. By Jazmine Thompson, Central High

Tyneshia Ray, a freshman of Central High School, gets hyped up for the annual powder puff game. The powder puff games were designed to give students more freedom to engage in extracurricular activities. This is one of the many spectacular ideas that the Central High School principal Dr. Sutton has given his student population to enjoy. By Darian Madison, Central High

Band members gather on the football field to be recognized for senior night. The seniors are mostly black, yet they are still 'one big family' as some would say. By Camri Mason, Northridge High

Junior Keontai Price and Senior Rachel Quarrles show their school spirit by painting numbers of football players on their faces before the homecoming game in October 2013. By Jazmine Thompson, Central High

Freshman Ira Colvin gets his boutonniere pinned by Central High School teacher McClellan Walcott during homecoming week. Walcott came to Central as part of Teach for America, a program that trains college graduates and places them in needy schools. By Jazmine Thompson, Central High

Seniors Jameria Channell and Jasmine Prince paint a poster for Central High's homecoming week last October. Members of the senior class carried this during the homecoming parade. By Jasmine Warren, Central High

Northridge sophomores Shelby Castellanos, left, Cameron McKinstry, center, and junior Duren Bell watch a home game against rival Tuscaloosa County High School. By Camri Mason, Northridge High

Freshman Aniya Blair, right, and Selena McAlpine prepare to walk on the field during Central High School's homecoming court, October 2013. By Jazmine Thompson, Central High

Previous Central High School cheerleaders showing their school spirit year after year, game after game. By Darian Madison, Central High

Northridge students watch Northrige High's homecoming game, Oct. 18, 2013. Five groups of people are represented here: the all-white cheerleaders, the racially mixed football team, the mostly white students dressed for the homecoming dance, the mostly white flag boys, and the racially mixed group of parents. By James Niiler, Northridge High

Sarah Beth Goldstein conducts the Tuscaloosa City Schools Orchestra at their annual winter concert. First-chair viola players Bradley Vaughan, senior, Spencer Patton, junior, Aaron Green, junior, James Niiler, sophomore and first-chair violinist, Kaitlyn Duren, senior (at the end), along with the rest of the orchestra, are attentive to Goldstein's cues as they put on an outstanding performance at the Moody Music Building. In the audience, donning Santa hats, sit members of the Tuscaloosa City Middle School Orchestra. Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox also attended. By Rebecca Griesbach, Northridge High

Northridge senior Kofi Ulzen practices on the xylophone before a Christmas concert. Ulzen, who has been playing the xylophone since the eighth grade, said he enjoys playing in the orchestra because he is able to 'mingle with others.' 'Race doesn't have a place in music,' Ulzen said. Playing in the orchestra 'depends on skill and musical talent. It has nothing to do with race.' By Sophie Frances Fairbairn, Northridge High

Northridge High School's musical theatre and choir classes perform 'Adams Family Medley' at 'Spooky Sounds,' a Halloween production put on by the music department. In the back stand Mackenzie Johnson, sophomore, Reagan Wallace, senior, and Margaret Crowe, sophomore, while Lauren Curtner-Smith, senior, Anna Beth Northington, junior, and Jake Williams, freshman, pose in the front. By Rebecca Griesbach, Northridge High

Students go to and from lunch during the schoolday at Northridge. By Grayson Lent, Northridge High

Sophomores Jarkaria Williams, 15, and Tastevisha Williams, 16, wait for the bus outside Northridge High School on Oct. 23, 2013. Most of the students who wait for the bus are black. Only one bus, Bus 10, is mostly white. By James Niiler, Northridge High

Mackenzie Millet, senior at Northridge High School, works on homework in the library. She sits alone at one table while other small groups scattered around her do the same. By Sumona Gupta, Northridge High

Down the halls of Northridge High School, Carler Hughes, one of three Northridge custodians, continues her daily routine mopping the floors in between class changes. 'I am a custodian by trade, but a friend, an aunt and a mom for some of the kids in this school,' Hughes said. Students 'like to talk to me because they know I like to cook and sometimes I bring them goodies.' Hughes said she notices the student ability to get along with each other, no matter what race. By Sophie Frances Fairbairn, Northridge High

The Central High School foyer. By Diamond Sidberry, Central High

Sophomores Tyra Hollis-Clark, right, and Taylor Young, work on an assignment for their business class taught by Roslyn Evans. By Darian Madison, Central High

Sophomore Melissa Walker, 16, tutors in social studies with Catherine Bodiford, a special education aide at Northridge. By Keambria Washington, Northridge High

Chemistry teacher Mollie Morris teaches her Advanced Placement Chemistry class, from left, juniors Ryan Foster, Larriel Hester, Precious Davis, Chasidy Church, Endea Welch, Tremethia Lowe and Johnae Winn. By Jessica McKinstry, Central High

Sixteen-year-old Endea Welch works out equations on her desk with a dry erase marker in teacher Mollie Morris' Advanced Placement chemistry class at Central High School. By Aja S. Edwards, Central High

Junior Diamanise Sidberry walks up a set of stairs next to a wall displaying several people who impacted black history. Central High has many other walls around the school like this celebrating black history. By Diamond Sidberry, Central High

The second lunch shift starts at Central High. Only seniors are allowed to eat in the courtyard. By Jasmine Warren, Central High

Central High School's Advance Placement chemistry class takes a bus ride to the University of Alabama for a chemistry lab. By Larriel Hester, Central High

A group of German foreign exchange students meet and greet in Central High School's library. This is the first year students from Central were able to visit Europe through the exchange program; they visited Paris, France, and Schorndorf, Germany. By D'Leisha Dent, Central High

Central High School health students learn how to do chest compressions in a CPR class. By Darian Madison, Central High

Central students watch a surprise performance by comedian Steve Brown, a Central graduate, following a successful visit by state officials. By Jasmine Warren, Central High

Justin Morrow, right, and Markethius Channell are taught electronic configurations by chemistry teacher Mollie Morris. By Darian Madison, Central High

Senior Ronderek Rice Jr. searches for a clip in his International Baccalaureate Film class. By D'Leisha Dent, Central High