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South Central VA Health Care Network (VISN 16)

This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

South Central VA Health Care Network (VISN 16)

318 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.

January 2, 2013

Reported as: VISN 16 Little Rock, AR

Type: Violation

Issue: The Sleep Study Center sent down a report to be scanned into a patient's record. It wasn't caught by the Center or the file room that there were 2 patients' first pages of their reports. Then Patient A came in…

Outcome: Supervisor working with HRMS to do appropriate actions regarding employees' errors. Both work for the same supervisor. Letter has gone out to individual on 1 9 13.…

Location: VISN 16 Little Rock, AR  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 27, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A received Veteran B's appointment letter in with his own. The information that was disclosed on the appointment letter was Veteran B's full name and address, last four of social security number, clinic name, time of appointment and Doctor's…

Outcome: Supervisors have been notified and encouraged to make staff aware of mismailing incidents.

Location: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 19, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK

Type: Violation

Issue: Incident Summary: A VA employee of the Muskogee area requested a Sensitive patient Access Record (SPAR) from the Information Security Officer ISO. She requested an investigation for some of the employee names who were reported on the list and not…

Outcome: All employee are being provided mandated additional training regarding unauthorized access to medical records in regards to this issue to prevent future episodes of the same nature. However, the employees that access this record outside of their performance duty has…

Location: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 19, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A received a medication for Veteran B through the mail on 12/07/12 from TOPC pharmacy. Veteran contacted TOPC pharmacy to report he had opened his mail and noticed the package was addressed to him but contained his paperwork and…

Outcome: Staff has been informed of privacy issues and encouraged to revisit privacy training in TMS.

Location: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 18, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Houston, TX

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A received Veteran B's Fee Basis Authorization in the mail and returned it to the medical center. Update: 12/18/12:Veteran B will be sent a letter offering credit protection services due to full name and full SSN being disclosed.…

Outcome: Notification letter sent to employee's supervisor to take appropriate disciplinary action.

Location: VISN 16 Houston, TX  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 14, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 New Orleans, LA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A was accidentally given an appointment list pertaining to Veteran B. Veteran A returned the appointment list to the VA upon noticing the error. Update: 12/14/12:Due to full SSN being exposed, Veteran B will be sent a letter offering…

Outcome: Consult CAC's to remove first five digits of SSN from appointment list.

Location: VISN 16 New Orleans, LA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 13, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK

Type: Violation

Issue: A Program Support Assistant (PSA) on the Silver eam of Muskogee printed out the wrong Medical Records for the Veteran seen on the Silver team and handed them to her and told her to go for an EKG. The Veteran…

Outcome: PO and ISO met with supervisor and explained the privacy issues. Employee has been moved from clinical areas and placed in another working environment.…

Location: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 13, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Houston, TX

Type: Violation

Issue: Medical Center employee confessed to her supervisor that she accessed the CPRS record of two of her coworkers. She said she knew it was wrong, didn't know why she did it but felt bad about it. Update: 12/13/12:Two employees will…

Outcome: Letter sent to Supervisor confirming privacy violation. Requested to contact HR representative for appropriate disciplinary action. HIPAA letters sent to two employees.…

Location: VISN 16 Houston, TX  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 10, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Fayetteville, AR

Type: Violation

Issue: A courier lost 120 travel vouchers. The vouchers contain the Veterans' name, full SSN and date of birth. Update: 12/17/12:The contract courier picked the vouchers up from a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) on 11/20/12 and the vouchers have been…

Outcome: A new contract has been awarded and started on 1/2/13. Until the new contract is started the travel vouchers will be sent by UPS and not sent by courier. A meeting was set up on Monday 12/17/12 with the new…

Location: VISN 16 Fayetteville, AR  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

December 7, 2012

Reported as: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK

Type: Violation

Issue: A Veteran submitted his waiver request form that was mis-mailed to Financial Management System (FMS) employee. With his request form was deposit inquiry, and financial status report. All of the documents together included Veteran's name, full SSN, home address, date…

Outcome: Supervisor has been notified of this error. Data updates were made on employee roster to avoid future incidents. Redacted Letter attached please close this ticket.

Location: VISN 16 Muskogee, OK  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs