This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

Northwest Network (VISN 20)

VISN 20 Portland, OR

Mentioned in a privacy incident report created by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on March 21, 2012. Also cited in 208 other reports.

Report ID: SPE000000073215, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Reported Entity: VISN 20 Portland, OR


While reviewing a VA Research Study the Portland VA Medical Center's Privacy Officer discovered that the personaly identifiable information of five Veterans enrolled in the study has been stored electronically on a University server without authorization. The Informed Consent and HIPAA Authorization documents do not indicate the Veterans' information would be disclosed to or stored at the University. The Research protocol a Waiver of Informed Consent for Recruitment purposes indicate that all protected information would be stored at the VA or on the VA Network behind its firewall.The Portland Research Office has been notified of this event. Update: 03/22/12:Five (5) Veterans will be sent a notification letter.


The Research Principal Investigator over the study is in the process of making the necessary changes to store the study information at the University with the required authorizations.

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