This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

VA Southwest Health Care Network (VISN 18)

VISN 18 Prescott, AZ

Mentioned in a privacy incident report created by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on May 26, 2011. Also cited in 228 other reports.

Report ID: SPE000000063003, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Reported Entity: VISN 18 Prescott, AZ


VA employee published article consisting of case reports using clinical information that could lead to the identity of the patients violating disclosure of patients PHI. Update: 06/16/11:The article was published on the NIH Website and Pub Med. The director of the ORO, (Western Region )determined it was not considered research. The consensus was the article was considered case reports as we are not a research facility. The information on the four case reports was gathered when this employee worked In Prescott. The employee states the article was published after she left Prescott VA. Which is true the article was published January 1, 2011. When PO did data recovery the employees said it was all done from memory and no files were removed from this facility . She now works at the VA Costal Bend In Texas. The Oversight Officer is aware of the PO's inquiry as well as her supervisor at Costal Bend. The report however included subjects sex, age, initial of their last names, and clinical information that could lead to identification of the patients. It is felt the author violated VHA policies regarding disclosure of patients 1605.1. The nurse manager here spoke with employees that could identify the Veterans from the article. Therefore the four (4) Patients will receive a notification letter.


Nurse Pactioner no longer employeed at NAVAHCS but employeed at VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System published an article without authorization involving four of our Veterans . Of the four case reports published two of the four could be identified by NAVAHCS nursing staff. Notification letters sent out and suggest letter of reprimand be placed in Nurse Practioner file.

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