International Brotherhood Of Boilermakers Campaign Assistance Fund Independent Expenditures - 2008 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: March 27, 2008
This committee is active in the presidential race and has spent most of its money, $82,827, supporting Barack Obama.
International Brotherhood Of Boilermakers Campaign Assistance Fund has been active in one state: Ohio.
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Dec. 8, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kevin Miller | Reimburse expenses | $607 | |
# | Dec. 3, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Stanley Wolfe | Reimburse expenses | $130 | |
# | Dec. 3, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local Lodge 154 | Reimburse Helium expense (Blimp) | $536 | |
# | Dec. 3, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kevin Miller | Reimburse expenses | $169 | |
# | Dec. 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Purchase Tee-Shirts | $11,184 | |
# | Dec. 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | KELLY PRESS | Printing expense | $13,334 | |
# | Nov. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kevin Miller | Reimburse Boilermakers RV expenses | $507 | |
# | Nov. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Stanley Wolfe | Reimburse Boilermaker RV expenses | $25 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Boilermakers for Obama Tee-Shirts | $8,812 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Stanley Wolfe | Reimburse Boilermaker RV expenses | $62 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Boilermakers for Obama Tee-Shirts | $2,372 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Stanley Wolfe | Reimburse Boilermaker RV expenses | $43 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kevin Miller | Reimburse Boilermaker RV expenses | $269 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local Lodge 154 | Reimb. Blimp helium expense | $536 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Lodge 85 Joint Training & Education Fund | Reimburse expenses - Helium for Blimp | $2,738 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | KELLY PRESS | Web-store set-up expenses | $600 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Above & Beyond, Inc. | Boilermaker Blimp expense | $50 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | KELLY PRESS | Boilermakers for Obama Yard Signs | $11,166 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | KELLY PRESS | Flyers, Q store set-up | $600 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Above & Beyond, Inc. | Postage expense - Boilermakers for Obama | $50 | |
# | Sept. 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Dazzling Designs & Apparel | Boilermakers for Obama Tee-shirts | $515 | |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | KELLY PRESS | Boilermakers for Obama Signs/Lapel Stkrs | $2,725 | |
# | Aug. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Above & Beyond, Inc. | Boilermakers for Obama Blimps | $2,547 | |
# | Aug. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Boilermakers for Obama Campaign Buttons | $251 | |
# | July 11, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Dazzling Designs & Apparel | Boilermakers for Obama Tee-shirts | $801 | |
# | June 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Boilermakers for Obama Camp. Buttons | $5,526 | |
# | March 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | K&R INDUSTRIES | Boilermakers for Obama Tee-Shirts | $12,766 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Above & Beyond, Inc. | Boilermakers for Obama Blimps | $445 | |
# | Feb. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Above & Beyond, Inc. | Boilermakers for Obama Blimps | $3,460 |