See Other Cycles: 2002 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $286,045, supporting John Kerry.
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date |
# | Dec. 9, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $2,634 | |
# | Nov. 15, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUTTONS | $4,970 | |
# | Nov. 8, 2004 | Support | Chris John (DEM) | Senate | LA | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $548 |
# | Nov. 2, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Fingerhut and Powers | WEST VIRGINIA RADIO AD IN SUPPORT OF KER | $20,000 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $3,006 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2004 | Support | Tony Knowles (DEM) | Senate | AK | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $548 |
# | Oct. 29, 2004 | Support | Tom Daschle (DEM) | Senate | SD | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $548 |
# | Oct. 29, 2004 | Support | John Salazar | House | CO-3 | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $548 |
# | Oct. 29, 2004 | Support | Betty Castor (DEM) | Senate | FL | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $548 |
# | Oct. 15, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | HARGROVE, INC. | KERRY BANNER | $17,026 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | IBT | REIMBURSE IBT USE OF STAFF | $9,030 | |
# | Sept. 30, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $7,729 | |
# | Sept. 30, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUTTONS | $5,085 | |
# | Sept. 30, 2004 | Support | Erskine Bowles (DEM) | Senate | NC | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $647 |
# | Sept. 30, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Impressions Specialty Advertising | T-SHIRTS | $156,565 | |
# | Sept. 30, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | American Products | BUTTONS | $9,223 | |
# | Sept. 16, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Impressions Specialty Advertising | T-SHIRTS | $4,130 | |
# | Sept. 16, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Impressions Specialty Advertising | T-SHIRTS | $2,305 | |
# | Sept. 16, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $2,127 | |
# | Sept. 7, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | LAPEL PINS | $1,178 | |
# | Aug. 4, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | American Products | BUTTONS | $3,452 | |
# | July 21, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | ADSOURCE GROUP, INC | Kerry Banners | $9,523 | |
# | June 24, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | BUMPER STICKERS | $931 | |
# | June 17, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | TWILL SHIRTS | $14,619 | |
# | June 17, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | IMPRESSIONS SPECIALTY ADVERTISING | T-SHIRTS | $10,483 | |
# | April 23, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION #385 | BUMPER STICKERS | $408 | |
# | April 13, 2004 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | UNION MARKETING IDEAS, INC. | BUMPER STICKERS | $1,287 | |
# | April 2, 2004 | Support | Richard Gephardt (DEM) | President | IBT | SAL REIM FOR GEPHARDT WEBSITE | $597 | |
# | March 2, 2004 | Support | Richard Gephardt (DEM) | President | American Products | JACKETS | $23,572 | |
# | March 2, 2004 | Support | Richard Gephardt (DEM) | President | Union Marketing Ideas, Inc. | T-SHIRTS | $43,200 | |
# | Dec. 11, 2003 | Support | John Kerry (DEM) | President | TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION #385 | BUMPER STICKERS | $334 | |
# | Dec. 3, 2003 | Support | Richard Gephardt (DEM) | President | Anc Inc | GEPHARDT PULLOVERS | $9,696 | |
# | April 1, 2003 | Support | Adam Taff | House | KS-3 | DELANCEY PRINTING | BUMPER STICKERS | $1,083 |
# | April 1, 2003 | Support | Jean Carnahan | Senate | MO | DELANCEY PRINTING | BUMPER STICKERS | $1,083 |
# | April 1, 2003 | Support | Paul Wellstone | Senate | MN | DELANCEY PRINTING | BUMPER STICKERS | $1,083 |
# | April 1, 2003 | Support | Robert Torricelli | Senate | NJ | DELANCEY PRINTING | BUMPER STICKERS | $1,083 |
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