Oakland County Democratic Party OCT MONTHLY Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2024 Oct. 19, 2023 Sept. 30, 2023 $84,337.05 $104,673.44 $98,416.55
2022 Oct. 19, 2022 Sept. 30, 2022 Compare to original $109,625.75 $89,683.66 $127,512.97
2022 Oct. 15, 2021 Sept. 30, 2021 Compare to original $84,463.98 $78,022.82 $144,312.38
2020 Oct. 7, 2020 Sept. 30, 2020 $51,360.67 $14,359.13 $99,990.56
2020 Dec. 4, 2019 Sept. 30, 2019 Compare to original $95,297.55 $69,575.43 $90,206.53
2018 Oct. 18, 2018 Sept. 30, 2018 $95,604.22 $83,493.53 $35,244.37
2018 Dec. 12, 2017 Sept. 30, 2017 Compare to original $81,002.27 $81,495.09 $578.09
2016 June 14, 2017 Sept. 30, 2016 Compare to original $108,941.45 $111,346.57 $14,639.28
2016 Oct. 20, 2015 Sept. 30, 2015 $73,739.00 $72,927.44 $30,348.22
2014 July 14, 2015 Sept. 30, 2014 Compare to original $82,917.28 $73,909.86 $56,105.75
2014 June 6, 2015 Sept. 30, 2013 Compare to original $96,499.22 $89,480.11 $18,414.61
2012 Nov. 12, 2013 Sept. 30, 2012 Compare to original $98,955.85 $91,945.90 $7,953.01
2012 Dec. 19, 2011 Sept. 30, 2011 Compare to original $84,043.00 $82,708.03 $7,480.70
2010 Oct. 19, 2010 Sept. 30, 2010 $83,184.25 $114,154.84 $50,606.15
2010 Oct. 20, 2009 Sept. 30, 2009 $96,581.75 $91,524.20 $55,385.09
2008 Oct. 20, 2008 Sept. 30, 2008 $99,120.50 $84,849.80 $25,941.90
2008 June 23, 2009 Sept. 30, 2007 Compare to original $101,333.00 $102,144.00 $21,033.40
2006 Oct. 20, 2006 Sept. 30, 2006 $69,915.50 $82,172.00 $15,597.30
2006 Oct. 19, 2005 Sept. 30, 2005 $81,273.00 $74,914.70 $22,313.00
2004 Oct. 20, 2004 Sept. 30, 2004 $83,643.60 $78,348.30 $36,773.20