Michigan Republican Party Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Aug. 2, 2011

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $123,306, opposing Pres. Barack Obama.

Michigan Republican Party has been active in one state: Michigan.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 31, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placment Services $5,833
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placment Fee $250
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 31, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Advantage, Inc. Pd ROBO Calls - GOTV done 10.30 $19,277
# Oct. 31, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Services $5,833
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement $250
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Diana Bates Reimbursement $2
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Library of Michigan Research $2
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Services $5,833
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Advantage, Inc. Pd ROBO Calls - GOTV Done 10.29 $2,964
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Services $5,833
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Production of Mail - Drop 10.31 $12,309
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Production of Mail - Drop 10.29 $6,486
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 29, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 29, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Services $5,833
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 28, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placment Fee $250
# Oct. 28, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 28, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 28, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 28, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placment Fee $250
# Oct. 28, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 27, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 27, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 27, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placment Fee $250
# Oct. 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Charles Visser Mileage Reimbursement - Research $49
# Oct. 27, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Charles Visser Mileage Reimbursement - Research $61
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 26, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Production of Mail - Drop 10.26 $6,294
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 26, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $250
# Oct. 25, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 25, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $61
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $97
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 24, 2012 Support Pete Hoekstra (REP) Senate MI Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 24, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Strategic Media Services Media Placement Service $5,833
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $276
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $311
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 21, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 21, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Socia Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 21, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 21, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 20, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 20, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 20, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 20, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Matthew Scholz Mileage Reimbursement for Research $65
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Syed Taj (DEM) House MI-11 Charles Visser Mileage Reimbursement - Research $53
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Gary Mc Dowell House MI-1 Kelly's Downtown Food Staff - While Researching $13
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Gary Mc Dowell House MI-1 Charles Visser Reimbursement $13
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FaceBook Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing Drop 10.17 $6,318
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing Drop 10.17 $6,318
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Google Social Media Ad Placement Fee $500
# Oct. 10, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising Mail - Drop 10.15 $1,805
# Oct. 10, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing Drop 10.13 $8,971
# Oct. 10, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing Drop 10.10 $10,047
# Oct. 4, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Postage/Production Fundraising Mail Drops 10.15 $1,157
# Oct. 1, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Postage Fundraising $1,282
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Marketing $499
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing $12,309
# Sept. 20, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Arena Communications Postage/Printing of Mailing Dropped $11,248
# Sept. 19, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $907
# Sept. 19, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Postage Fundraising Mail Drop $4,983
# Sept. 19, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Postage Fundraising Mail Drop $9,966
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Postage Fundraising Mail $1,644
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Production $894
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Postage Fundraising Mail $2,599
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Pinnacle Direct Fundriaisng Mail Production $224
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $1,477
# July 27, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $1,128
# July 18, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising Mail $241
# July 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $99
# July 18, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising Mail $241
# July 11, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $568
# July 11, 2012 Oppose Gary Mc Dowell House MI-1 Go Daddy Software Inc. Domain Registration for Website $28
# July 11, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising Mail $349
# July 11, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising Mail $349
# July 11, 2012 Oppose Gary Mc Dowell House MI-1 Comerica CC CC Payment $28
# March 23, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $107
# March 23, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $316
# March 21, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $12
# Feb. 15, 2012 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $144
# Feb. 15, 2012 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FLS Connect Telemarketing Fundraising $4
# Dec. 19, 2011 Support Justin Amash (REP) House MI-3 Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $540
# Dec. 19, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $540
# Dec. 19, 2011 Support Tim Walberg (REP) House MI-7 Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $540
# Dec. 19, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $1,080
# Dec. 19, 2011 Support Daniel Benishek (REP) House MI-1 Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $540
# Dec. 19, 2011 Support William Huizenga (REP) House MI-2 Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $540
# Dec. 14, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $46
# Dec. 14, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $46
# Dec. 7, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Comerica CC CC Payment $63
# Dec. 7, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Website Advertisement $63
# Dec. 7, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $35
# Nov. 29, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $101
# Nov. 29, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $101
# Nov. 21, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $40
# Nov. 15, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Comerica CC CC Payment $40
# Nov. 15, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $241
# Nov. 15, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI FaceBook Website Adverstisement $40
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Capital City Airport Parking $2
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Cameron Pickford Reimbursement $2
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Cameron Pickford Mileage Reimbursement $39
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $388
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Cameron Pickford Mileage Reimbursement $2
# Nov. 3, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $388
# Oct. 26, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $64
# Oct. 26, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $64
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $321
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Technicom Group Postage for Fundraising Mail $370
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $712
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $321
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Technicom Group Postage for Fundraising Mail $370
# Oct. 19, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Southwest Publishing Production Fundraising Mail $712
# Oct. 12, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Services $295
# Sept. 28, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $472
# Sept. 9, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Southwest Publishing Postage/Production Fundraising Mail $570
# Sept. 9, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Postage/Production Fundraising Mail $570
# Sept. 6, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Funding $617
# Sept. 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $1,234
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $35
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $671
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $35
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $86
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $36
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $671
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $86
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $86
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $671
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $86
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $671
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $36
# Aug. 9, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $5
# Aug. 9, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $5
# Aug. 9, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $5
# Aug. 9, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $5
# Aug. 2, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $57
# Aug. 2, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $57
# Aug. 2, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $57
# Aug. 2, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Pinnacle Direct Fundraising Mail Postage $57
# July 26, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $14
# July 26, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $14
# July 26, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $14
# July 26, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $14
# July 13, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Comerica CC CC Payment $37
# July 13, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Comerica CC CC Payment $37
# July 13, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Vivid Planet Software Website Rental $37
# July 13, 2011 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Vivid Planet Software Website Rental $37
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Postage/Production Fundraising Mail $1,806
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $107
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $723
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Steve Brown Direct Mail Creative and Production Fundraising $723
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Southwest Publishing Postage/Production Fundraising Mail $1,806
# July 6, 2011 Oppose Pres. Barack Obama (DEM) President Strategic Fundraising Telemarketing Fundraising $107