American Hospital Association PAC Independent Expenditures - 2014 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Oct. 17, 2014

This committee is active in the presidential race and has spent most of its money, $419,141, supporting Pat Roberts.

States Where American Hospital Association PAC Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $102,000
  • $422,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 17, 2014 Support Marion Rounds (REP) Senate SD McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Radio Production - Estimate $1,909
# Oct. 17, 2014 Support Rodney Davis (REP) House IL-13 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $200,000
# Oct. 17, 2014 Support Rodney Davis (REP) House IL-13 McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $9,223
# Oct. 17, 2014 Support Marion Rounds (REP) Senate SD Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Radio Advertising $80,000
# Oct. 17, 2014 Support Marion Rounds (REP) Senate SD Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Radio Advertising $20,000
# Oct. 15, 2014 Support Cheri Bustos (DEM) House IL-17 Waterfront Strategies Television Production - Estimate $13,335
# Oct. 15, 2014 Support Cheri Bustos (DEM) House IL-17 Waterfront Strategies Television Advertising $199,238
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Scott Rigell (REP) House VA-2 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $200,000
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Bruce Braley (DEM) Senate IA Waterfront Strategies Radio Production - Estimate $4,609
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Bruce Braley (DEM) Senate IA Waterfront Strategies Radio Advertising $259,221
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Scott Rigell (REP) House VA-2 McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $7,569
# Oct. 10, 2014 Support Pat Roberts (REP) Senate KS McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $7,132
# Oct. 10, 2014 Support Pat Roberts (REP) Senate KS Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $200,000
# July 11, 2014 Support Pat Roberts (REP) Senate KS McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $12,009
# July 11, 2014 Support Pat Roberts (REP) Senate KS Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $200,000
# May 20, 2014 Support Thad Cochran (REP) Senate MS Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $200,000
# May 20, 2014 Support Thad Cochran (REP) Senate MS McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $11,747
# April 29, 2014 Support Mark Pryor (DEM) Senate AR Anzalone Liszt Grove Research Inc. Polling $28,500
# April 29, 2014 Support Mark Pryor (DEM) Senate AR Waterfront Strategies Television Production - Estimate $18,610
# April 29, 2014 Support Mark Pryor (DEM) Senate AR Waterfront Strategies Television Advertising $181,390
# April 28, 2014 Support Mark Begich (DEM) Senate AK Waterfront Strategies Television Advertising $183,815
# April 28, 2014 Support Mark Begich (DEM) Senate AK Anzalone Liszt Grove Research Inc. Polling $28,800
# April 28, 2014 Support Mark Begich (DEM) Senate AK Waterfront Strategies Television Production - Estimate $16,185
# April 25, 2014 Support Dave Joyce (REP) House OH-14 McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $5,410
# April 25, 2014 Support Dave Joyce (REP) House OH-14 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $110,000
# March 31, 2014 Support Mike Simpson (REP) House ID-2 McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Radio Production $1,219
# March 31, 2014 Support Mike Simpson (REP) House ID-2 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Radio Advertising $20,600
# March 27, 2014 Support Mike Simpson (REP) House ID-2 McCarthy Hennings Whalen, Inc. Television Production - Estimate $8,728
# March 27, 2014 Support Mike Simpson (REP) House ID-2 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. Television Advertising $88,900
# March 27, 2014 Support Mike Simpson (REP) House ID-2 Public Opinion Strategies Polling $18,000