Susan B Anthony List Candidate Fund Independent Expenditures - 2008 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: May 29, 2008

This committee is active in presidential and congressional races and has spent most of its money, $309,997, supporting John Mc Cain.

States Where Susan B Anthony List Candidate Fund Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $1,000
  • $27,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 3, 2008 Support John Kennedy (REP) Senate LA Advantage Inc. Phone Calls $1,443
# Nov. 2, 2008 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President Advantage Inc. GOTV Calls $13,175
# Nov. 2, 2008 Support Marilyn Musgrave House CO-4 Advantage Inc. Telephone Calls $3,335
# Oct. 31, 2008 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President Citizens United Web Ad Production $3,000
# Oct. 31, 2008 Support Marilyn Musgrave House CO-4 Advantage Inc. Telephone Calls $1,692
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Stevan Pearce (REP) Senate NM The Lukens Company Mailing $5,803
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Norm Coleman (REP) Senate MN The Lukens Company Mailing $12,762
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Robert Schaffer (REP) Senate CO The Lukens Company Mailing $11,058
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Norm Coleman (REP) Senate MN The Lukens Company Mailing $12,762
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Sununu (REP) Senate NH The Lukens Company Mailing $2,622
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Steve Pearce (REP) Senate NM The Lukens Company Mailing $5,803
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support Robert Schaffer (REP) Senate CO The Lukens Company Mailing $11,058
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $109,242
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $76,997
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $11,058
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $5,803
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Sununu (REP) Senate NH The Lukens Company Mailing $2,622
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $2,622
# Oct. 28, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President The Lukens Company Mailing $12,762
# Oct. 25, 2008 Support John Mc Cain Sarah Palin (REP) President Advantage Inc. Telephone Calls $75,000
# Oct. 25, 2008 Support John Mc Cain Sarah Palin (REP) President Susan B Anthony List List Rental $20,000
# Oct. 25, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President Advantage Inc. Telephone Calls $75,000
# Oct. 25, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President Susan B. Anthony List, Inc List Rental $20,000
# Oct. 21, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President EL Busa Creations McCain Palin T-Shirts $3,001
# Oct. 21, 2008 Support John Mccain (REP) President El Busa Creations MCCAIN-PALIN T-SHIRTS $3,001
# Oct. 14, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President JK Payleitner and Associates Media Development $4,200
# Oct. 14, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President Capital City Partners, LLC Internet Hosting $298
# Oct. 14, 2008 Support John Mc Cain (REP) President Capital City Partners, LLC Internet Hosting $255
# May 29, 2008 Support Steve Pearce (REP) Senate NM Advantage Inc. GOTV Calls $2,384
# May 29, 2008 Support Steve Pearce (REP) Senate NM Susan B. Anthony List List Rental $2,044
# May 29, 2008 Support Steve Pearce (REP) Senate NM Susan B. Anthony List List Rental $2,044
# May 29, 2008 Support Steve Pearce (REP) Senate NM Advantage Inc. GOTV Calls $2,384