Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum For Firearms Educ Pol Victory Fund Independent Expenditures - 2018 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: May 8, 2018

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $1,299, supporting Mark Harris.

Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum For Firearms Educ Pol Victory Fund has been active in one state: North Carolina.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Theodore Budd (REP) House NC-13 Facebook Advertising supporing Budd USH13 $219
# Nov. 5, 2018 Support Mark Harris (REP) House NC-9 Facebook Advertising supporing Harris USH09 $262
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Theodore Budd (REP) House NC Sage Agents, LLC Robocalls supporting Harris USH09 $453
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Theodore Budd (REP) House NC Sage Agents, LLC Robocalls supporting Budd USH013 $395
# May 8, 2018 Support Mark Harris (REP) House NC-9 Facebook Advertising Supporting Harris US House 09 $229
# May 1, 2018 Support Mark Harris (REP) House NC-9 Sage Agents, LLC Robocall supporting Harris USH09 $809