Association Of Fundraising Professionals Political Action Committee JUL QUARTERLY Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2024 July 10 June 30 $11,104.00 $670.41 $144,008.82
2022 July 13, 2022 June 30, 2022 $9,067.00 $553.97 $143,608.55
2020 July 15, 2020 June 30, 2020 $2,214.83 $384.77 $173,282.04
2020 July 15, 2019 June 30, 2019 $10,739.99 $826.51 $132,168.04
2018 Jan. 31, 2019 June 30, 2018 Compare to original $13,245.00 $1,002.08 $133,116.47
2018 Jan. 31, 2019 June 30, 2017 Compare to original $12,509.98 $1,006.42 $95,811.63
2016 July 12, 2016 June 30, 2016 $12,375.00 $939.46 $67,665.76
2016 Jan. 31, 2019 June 30, 2015 Compare to original $8,580.00 $823.30 $43,372.78
2014 Jan. 31, 2019 June 30, 2014 Compare to original $6,861.15 $21,804.50 $19,340.81
2014 July 3, 2013 June 30, 2013 $5,862.62 $637.23 $19,681.26
2012 July 13, 2012 June 30, 2012 $5,190.81 $577.33 $25,427.55
2012 Jan. 31, 2019 June 30, 2011 Compare to original $2,488.31 $581.09 $24,966.61
2010 Oct. 19, 2010 June 30, 2010 Compare to original $5,093.62 $17,751.88 $20,031.79
2010 July 15, 2009 June 30, 2009 $3,493.28 $917.56 $30,108.91
2008 July 14, 2008 June 30, 2008 $2,205.02 $187.39 $27,283.00
2008 March 11, 2008 June 30, 2007 Compare to original $0.00 $1,353.59 $22,459.40
2006 Oct. 13, 2006 June 30, 2006 Compare to original $3,401.02 $199.55 $24,746.26
2006 Jan. 24, 2006 June 30, 2005 Compare to original $975.73 $0.00 $23,557.30
2004 July 15, 2004 June 30, 2004 View View