Fair And Balanced Pac Independent Expenditures - 2018 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2020 2022 2024

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Nov. 2, 2018

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $28,083, opposing Dean Heller.

States Where Fair And Balanced Pac Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $0
  • $90,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Andy Kim (DEM) House NJ-3 Winning Connections Phone Calls/Text Messages $7,436
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Jacky Rosen (DEM) Senate NV Winning Connections Phone Calls/Text Messages $4,718
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Cindy Axne (DEM) House IA-3 Winning Connections Phone Calls/Text Messages $5,322
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Gina Ortiz Jones (DEM) House TX-23 Winning Connections Phone Calls/Text Messages $6,487
# Nov. 3, 2018 Support Colin Allred (DEM) House TX-32 Winning Connections Phone Calls/Text Messages $5,559
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Donald J Bacon (REP) House NE-2 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Donald J Bacon (REP) House NE-2 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Donald J Bacon (REP) House NE-2 Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Donald J Bacon (REP) House NE-2 Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Donald J Bacon (REP) House NE-2 Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose William Hurd (REP) House TX-23 Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Thomas Macarthur (REP) House NJ-3 Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Thomas Macarthur (REP) House NJ-3 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Thomas Macarthur (REP) House NJ-3 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose William Hurd (REP) House TX-23 Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Pete Mr. Sessions (REP) House TX-32 Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Thomas Macarthur (REP) House NJ-3 Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 Peter Callahan Production Costs $83
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose William Hurd (REP) House TX-23 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Pete Mr. Sessions (REP) House TX-32 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $1,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Pete Mr. Sessions (REP) House TX-32 Amplify Social Media Advertising $5,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose William Hurd (REP) House TX-23 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Thomas Macarthur (REP) House NJ-3 Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose William Hurd (REP) House TX-23 Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Pete Mr. Sessions (REP) House TX-32 Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV Phunware, Inc. Digital Ads $15,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Pete Mr. Sessions (REP) House TX-32 Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV Mike Lux Media Production Costs $4,000
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Andy Kim (DEM) House NJ-3 Winning Connections Text Messages $2,074
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Colin Allred (DEM) House TX-32 Winning Connections Text Messages $2,317
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Gina Ortiz Jones (DEM) House TX-23 Winning Connections Text Messages $2,741
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Clint Matthew Mr. Koble (DEM) House NV-2 Winning Connections Text Messages $2,457
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Andy Kim (DEM) House NJ-3 Winning Connections Phone Calls $17,281
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Cindy Axne (DEM) House IA-3 Winning Connections Phone Calls $10,338
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Colin Allred (DEM) House TX-32 Winning Connections Phone Calls $10,664
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Gina Ortiz Jones (DEM) House TX-23 Winning Connections Phone Calls $12,545
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Clint Matthew Mr. Koble (DEM) House NV-2 Winning Connections Phone Calls $7,872
# Oct. 26, 2018 Support Cindy Axne (DEM) House IA-3 Winning Connections Text Messages $2,187
# Dec. 12, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $35
# Dec. 11, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $50
# Dec. 10, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $51
# Dec. 9, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $42
# Dec. 8, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $39
# Dec. 7, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $23
# Dec. 6, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Dec. 5, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Dec. 4, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Dec. 3, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Dec. 2, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $19
# Dec. 1, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Nov. 30, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $20
# Nov. 29, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $19
# Nov. 28, 2017 Support Doug Jones (DEM) Senate AL Facebook Advertising $11