Regions Financial Corporation Political Action Committee SEP MONTHLY Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2024 Sept. 13 Aug. 31 $67,847.63 $11,500.00 $433,140.98
2024 Sept. 13, 2023 Aug. 31, 2023 $44,382.83 $12,500.00 $418,381.89
2022 Sept. 16, 2022 Aug. 31, 2022 $42,420.41 $4,500.00 $333,106.77
2022 Sept. 20, 2021 Aug. 31, 2021 $53,648.52 $47,000.00 $355,899.23
2020 Sept. 18, 2020 Aug. 31, 2020 $71,891.21 $54,405.78 $258,281.53
2020 Sept. 6, 2019 Aug. 31, 2019 $49,292.29 $18,000.00 $196,841.81
2018 Sept. 17, 2018 Aug. 31, 2018 $43,168.02 $23,700.00 $126,365.06
2018 Sept. 15, 2017 Aug. 31, 2017 $40,939.84 $44,219.68 $145,739.03
2016 Sept. 19, 2016 Aug. 31, 2016 $30,775.73 $20,750.00 $75,176.33
2016 Sept. 18, 2015 Aug. 31, 2015 $31,455.81 $12,500.00 $79,788.01
2014 Sept. 19, 2014 Aug. 31, 2014 $33,131.45 $8,289.58 $64,191.58
2014 Sept. 20, 2013 Aug. 31, 2013 $31,409.61 $48,500.00 $35,481.15
2012 Oct. 19, 2012 Aug. 31, 2012 Compare to original $26,905.65 $10,000.00 $98,706.13
2012 Nov. 17, 2011 Aug. 31, 2011 Compare to original $20,358.74 $16,000.00 $160,168.42