Working Families Party Of Oregon PRE-GENERAL Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2022 Oct. 27, 2022 Oct. 19, 2022 $180.00 $6.44 $17,295.96
2022 Oct. 27, 2022 Oct. 19, 2022 $180.00 $6.44 $17,295.96
2020 March 18, 2021 Oct. 14, 2020 Compare to original $2,668.28 $0.00 $25,552.54
2018 Oct. 27, 2018 Oct. 17, 2018 Compare to original $593.33 $23.20 $32,660.99
2016 Oct. 27, 2016 Oct. 19, 2016 $8,185.00 $3,309.66 $15,205.23
2014 Oct. 27, 2014 Oct. 15, 2014 Compare to original $1,833.91 $927.76 $9,766.29
2012 May 28, 2013 Oct. 17, 2012 Compare to original $3,684.64 $5,746.62 $6,999.28
2010 Sept. 8, 2011 Oct. 13, 2010 Compare to original $2,162.00 $448.12 $10,452.60