Women Speak Out PAC Independent Expenditures - 2018 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Nov. 27, 2018

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $175,290, opposing Kyrsten Sinema.

States Where Women Speak Out PAC Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $5,000
  • $291,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 27, 2018 Oppose Michael Espy (DEM) Senate MS-99 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $2,713
# Nov. 27, 2018 Support Cindy Hyde Smith (REP) Senate MS-99 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $2,713
# Nov. 24, 2018 Oppose Michael Espy (DEM) Senate MS-99 Campaign HQ GOTV Calls $2,500
# Nov. 24, 2018 Support Cindy Hyde Smith (REP) Senate MS-99 Campaign HQ GOTV Calls $2,500
# Nov. 19, 2018 Oppose Michael Espy (DEM) Senate MS-99 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $4,912
# Nov. 19, 2018 Support Cindy Hyde Smith (REP) Senate MS-99 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $4,912
# Nov. 7, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$3,270
# Nov. 7, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ YouTube Reported an estimate, but did not use this vendor -$5,037
# Nov. 7, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ YouTube Reported an estimate, but did not use this vendor -$5,037
# Nov. 7, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$5,639
# Nov. 7, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$6,014
# Nov. 7, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$1,692
# Nov. 7, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$3,270
# Nov. 7, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$1,692
# Nov. 7, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$6,014
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $3,780
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $21,300
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $21,300
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND LCX.com, LLC Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $19,097
# Nov. 6, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $21,300
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $5,042
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Denise Darcel Adams (DEM) House NC Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $2,500
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Campaign HQ GOTV calls- reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Campaign HQ Robocalls- reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $2,500
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose James D. Scholten (DEM) House IA-4 Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $2,500
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Mike Braun (REP) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls-reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,954
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $3,954
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,500
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Nov. 2, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,500
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $5,042
# Nov. 2, 2018 Support Virginia Ann Foxx (REP) House NC Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $2,500
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Southwest Airlines flights for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $5,561
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Southwest Airlines flights for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $5,561
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Comfort Suites Glendale Hotel stay for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $12,488
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $1,494
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Alaska Air Flights for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $5,624
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$3,045
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$3,045
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO YouTube Reported estimate, did not use this vendor -$5,639
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Basis DSP Reported estimate, over reported for this vendor -$12,715
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Avalon Transportation Bus for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $3,759
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Avalon Transportation Bus for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $3,759
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Alaska Air flights for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $5,624
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Mike Braun (REP) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,694
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,694
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $1,494
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,954
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,954
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Enterprise Rent a Car rental cars for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $2,286
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Enterprise Rent a Car rental cars for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $2,286
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Enterprise Rent a Car Rental car for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $3,413
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Enterprise Rent a Car Rental cars for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $3,413
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Drury Inn and Suites hotel for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $11,992
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Drury Inn and Suites hotel for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $11,992
# Nov. 1, 2018 Oppose Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Comfort Suites Glendale Hotel for canvassers- this is actual, reported estimate on 11/1 $12,488
# Nov. 1, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $21,300
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Mike Braun (REP) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $9,519
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,926
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,714
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,926
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls $1,714
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $3,954
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Debbie Stabenow (DEM) Senate MI Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls reported estimate, this is actual $3,954
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls-reported estimate, this is actual $6,501
# Oct. 31, 2018 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN Campaign HQ GOTV Phone calls- reported estimate, this is actual $14,111
# Oct. 30, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV Media Bridge Digital ads $459
# Oct. 30, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $3,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV FP1 Strategies, LLC Digital ads $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ The Lukens Company Voter Mail $44,205
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $3,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- had reported estimate, this is actual $3,542
# Oct. 30, 2018 Support Patrick Mr Morrisey (REP) Senate WV Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- had reported estimate, this is actual $3,542
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT The Lukens Company Voter Mail $19,834
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV FP1 Strategies, LLC Digital ads $4,000
# Oct. 30, 2018 Oppose Joe Manchin Iii (DEM) Senate WV Media Bridge Digital Ads $459
# Oct. 29, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT The Lukens Company Voter Mail $19,834
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND Hulu Reported estimate, no longer using this vendor -$1,974
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $12,600
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $6,930
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $13,230
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $13,230
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $6,300
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $6,300
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $13,860
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $13,860
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-17 Media Bridge Digital ads $297
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Keith Mr. Rothfus (REP) House PA-17 Media Bridge Digital ads $297
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Josh Welle (DEM) House NJ-4 Media Bridge Digital ads $297
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Christopher H Smith (REP) House NJ-4 Media Bridge Digital ads $297
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Hulu Reported estimate, no longer using this vendor -$1,974
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $12,600
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND LCX.com, LLC digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $19,097
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $3,780
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Christopher H Smith (REP) House NJ-4 LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $2,204
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-17 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $5,351
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Keith Mr. Rothfus (REP) House PA-17 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $5,351
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Josh Welle (DEM) House NJ-4 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $3,500
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Christopher H Smith (REP) House NJ-4 Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $3,500
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Hulu reported estimate, not using this vendor anymore -$3,552
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT LCX.com, LLC digital ads $6,930
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-17 LCX.com, LLC Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $0
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Josh Welle (DEM) House NJ-4 LCX.com, LLC Digital ads $2,204
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Keith Mr. Rothfus (REP) House PA-17 LCX.com, LLC Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $0
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Hulu reported estimate, not using this vendor anymore -$6,578
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Hulu Reported an estimate, but no longer using this vendor -$5,877
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Hulu Reported an estimate, but no longer using this vendor -$5,876
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Hulu Reported estimate, but we are no longer using this vendor -$3,815
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Hulu reported an estimate, not using this vendor anymore -$6,578
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI Hulu Reported estimate, but we are no longer using this vendor -$3,815
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Hulu reporetd estimate, not using this vendor anymore -$3,552
# Oct. 24, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Hulu Reported estimate, no longer using this vendor -$7,017
# Oct. 24, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Hulu Reported estimate, no longer using this vendor -$7,017
# Oct. 22, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ The Lukens Company Mailer $49,242
# Oct. 22, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT The Lukens Company Mailer $17,536
# Oct. 22, 2018 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN The Lukens Company Mailer $112,345
# Oct. 22, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO The Lukens Company Mailer $81,506
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND Hulu Digital ads $1,974
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Hulu Digital ads $1,974
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Hulu Digital ads $3,552
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Media Bridge Digital ads $32
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN YouTube Digital ads $6,014
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Media Bridge Digital ads $57
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Hulu Digital ads $7,017
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND i360 Digital ads $515
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND i360 Digital ads $515
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT YouTube Digital ads $3,045
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND Basis DSP Digital ads $4,229
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $23,055
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $23,055
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $6,484
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $11,672
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $11,672
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Basis DSP Digital ads $15,036
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN i360 Digital ads $1,829
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND Media Bridge Digital ads $32
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT Basis DSP Digital ads $7,613
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN i360 Digital ads $1,829
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT YouTube Digital ads $3,045
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND YouTube Digital ads $1,692
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) Senate ND YouTube Digital ads $1,692
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN YouTube Digital ads $6,014
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Media Bridge Digital ads $145
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Media Bridge Digital ads $57
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT i360 Digital ads $926
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Hulu Digital ads $7,017
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Hulu Digital ads $3,552
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $6,484
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Marsha Mrs. Blackburn (REP) Senate TN Basis DSP Digital ads $15,036
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Kevin Mr. Cramer (REP) Senate ND Basis DSP Digital ads $4,229
# Oct. 17, 2018 Support Matt Rosendale (REP) Senate MT Basis DSP Digital ads $7,613
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Philip Bredesen (DEM) Senate TN Media Bridge Digital ads $145
# Oct. 17, 2018 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT i360 Digital ads $926
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Media Bridge Digital ads $66
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ i360 Digital ads $1,532
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ i360 Digital ads $1,532
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI i360 Digital ads $1,295
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $19,309
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $19,309
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $12,536
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Basis DSP Digital ads $12,593
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Basis DSP Digital ads $12,593
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI Basis DSP Digital ads $8,176
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ YouTube Digital ads $5,037
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Basis DSP Digital ads $8,176
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI Hulu Digital ads $3,815
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI Hulu Digital ads $3,815
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Hulu Digital ads $5,877
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Hulu Digital ads $5,877
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ FP1 Strategies, LLC Digital ads $2,141
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ FP1 Strategies, LLC Digital ads $2,141
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI Facebook, Inc. Digital ads $12,536
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ Media Bridge digital ads $108
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Media Bridge Digital ads $108
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI YouTube Digital ads $3,270
# Oct. 16, 2018 Support Leah Vukmir (REP) Senate WI YouTube Digital ads $3,270
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) Senate AZ YouTube Digital ads $5,037
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI i360 Digital ads $1,295
# Oct. 16, 2018 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI Media Bridge Digital ads $66
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Basis DSP Digital Ads $14,096
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Facebook, Inc. Digital Ads- duplication error, cannot delete $0
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Facebook, Inc. Digital Ads- reported estimate, this is actual $10
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Facebook, Inc. Digital ads- reported estimate, this is actual $10
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Media Bridge Digital Ads- originally reported wrong vendor, data entry error, correcting on ammended $3,969
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO i360 Digital ads $1,715
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO Hulu Digital Ads $6,578
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Hulu Digital Ads $6,578
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Media Bridge Digital Ads- originally reported wrong vendor, data entry error, correcting on ammended $3,969
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO Basis DSP Digital Ads $14,096
# Oct. 12, 2018 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO YouTube Digital Ads $5,639
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Joshua David Hawley (REP) Senate MO YouTube Digital ads $5,639
# March 13, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-18 Campaign HQ Phones- reported estimate, this is actual $2,009
# March 13, 2018 Support Rick Saccone (REP) House PA-18 Campaign HQ Phones- reported estimate, this is actual $2,009
# March 8, 2018 Support Rick Saccone (REP) House PA-18 Campaign HQ Phones- reported estimate, this is actual $2,009
# March 8, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-18 Campaign HQ Phones- reported estimate, this is actual $2,009
# March 6, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-18 FP1 Strategies, LLC Video ad production $2,000
# March 6, 2018 Support Rick Saccone (REP) House PA-18 FP1 Strategies, LLC Video ad production $2,000
# March 6, 2018 Oppose Conor Lamb (DEM) House PA-18 FP1 Strategies, LLC Digtial ads $10,750
# March 6, 2018 Support Rick Saccone (REP) House PA-18 FP1 Strategies, LLC Digital ads $10,750