Defenders Of Freedom And Security Independent Expenditures - 2018 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2012 2014 2016 2020 2022 2024

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Oct. 31, 2018

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $20,335, supporting John James.

States Where Defenders Of Freedom And Security Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $1,000
  • $20,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Moundsprings Strategies Content Createion and list rental $7,065
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support Scott W. Mr. Taylor (REP) House VA-2 Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation and List Rental $5,265
# Oct. 31, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation and List Rental $6,885
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Andrew Grant (REP) House CA-7 Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation, list rental $4,935
# Oct. 12, 2018 Support Brian Mast (REP) House FL-18 Moundsprings Strategies Facebook Ads $500
# Sept. 15, 2018 Support Martha Mcsally (REP) Senate AZ Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation and list rental $8,930
# Aug. 20, 2018 Support Brian Mast (REP) House FL-18 Moundsprings Strategies content creation and list rental $4,195
# Aug. 20, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies Content creation and list rental $4,500
# June 20, 2018 Support Andrew Grant (REP) House CA-7 Moundsprings Strategies Video Editing Content Creation $2,680
# June 20, 2018 Support Andrew Grant (REP) House CA-7 Moundsprings Strategies List rental and send fees $2,170
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TN-2 Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation, Video Editing $5,500
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Casara (REP) House CA-52 Moundsprings Strategies List rental and send fees $2,480
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Casara (REP) House CA-52 Moundsprings Strategies Facebook Ads $500
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Casara (REP) House CA-52 Moundsprings Strategies Content creation, video editing $3,500
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies Facebook Ads $500
# May 17, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies list rental and email fees $2,326
# March 20, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies List Rental $1,500
# March 20, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation Video Editing $2,800
# March 1, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies Rei,mbursement for Facebook Ads $500
# Feb. 28, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies List rental $3,220
# Feb. 28, 2018 Support Daniel Crenshaw (UNK) House TX-2 Moundsprings Strategies COntent Creation and Video Editing $3,000
# Feb. 5, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies Content creation and video editing $2,450
# Feb. 5, 2018 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies List Rental $2,000
# Oct. 31, 2017 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies Content Creation and video editing $3,000
# Oct. 31, 2017 Support John James (REP) Senate MI Moundsprings Strategies Email send fees $1,500
# Aug. 23, 2017 Oppose Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) Senate VA Moundsprings Strategies Email send fees $948
# Aug. 23, 2017 Oppose Sherrod Brown (DEM) Senate OH Moundsprings Strategies Email Send Fees $1,390
# Aug. 23, 2017 Oppose Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) Senate VA Moundsprings Strategies Video editing and content creation $2,500
# Aug. 23, 2017 Oppose Sherrod Brown (DEM) Senate OH Moundsprings Strategies Content creation and video editing $2,500
# Aug. 10, 2017 Support Mo Brooks (REP) Senate AL Moundsprings Strategies Video editing and content creation $3,750
# Aug. 10, 2017 Support Mo Brooks (REP) Senate AL Moundsprings Strategies Email send fees/ voter outreach $1,018
# Aug. 10, 2017 Support Mo Brooks (REP) Senate AL Facebook Video Advertising $499
# June 15, 2017 Support Karen Christine Handel House GA-6 Facebook Online advertising $500
# June 15, 2017 Support Karen Christine Handel House GA-6 Strategies Moundspring Content creation, video editing $2,500
# June 12, 2017 Support Karen Christine Handel House GA-6 Strategies Moundspring Video Editing and Content Creation $5,500
# June 12, 2017 Support Karen Christine Handel House GA-6 Strategies Moundspring Online voter contact $1,008
# June 1, 2017 Oppose Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) Senate VA Strategies Moundspring Content Creation, video editing $1,840
# June 1, 2017 Oppose Elizabeth Warren (DEM) Senate MA Strategies Moundspring content creation, video editing $1,280
# June 1, 2017 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Strategies Moundspring Content creation adn video editing $2,370