Americans For Responsible Solutions PAC Independent Expenditures - 2014 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Oct. 30, 2014

This committee is active in the presidential race and has spent most of its money, $1,216,037, opposing Martha E. Mcsally.

States Where Americans For Responsible Solutions PAC Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $15,000
  • $1,216,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 30, 2014 Support Gary Peters (DEM) Senate MI Waterfront Strategies Radio advertising - Estimate $3,000
# Oct. 30, 2014 Support Mark Robert Warner (DEM) Senate VA Waterfront Strategies Radio advertising - Estimate $38,000
# Oct. 30, 2014 Support Mark Robert Warner (DEM) Senate VA Waterfront Strategies Radio advertising - Estimate $3,000
# Oct. 30, 2014 Support Gary Peters (DEM) Senate MI Waterfront Strategies Radio advertising - Estimate $12,350
# Oct. 29, 2014 Support Jeanne Shaheen (DEM) Senate NH The Campaign Group Inc. Digital advertising - Estimate $2,750
# Oct. 14, 2014 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 The Campaign Group Inc. Television advertising - Estimate $14,000
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Mark E Udall (DEM) Senate CO Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $259,115
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Mark E Udall (DEM) Senate CO Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $12,988
# Oct. 14, 2014 Support Andrew Romanoff (DEM) House CO-6 Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $4,750
# Oct. 14, 2014 Oppose David Young (REP) House IA-3 The Campaign Group Inc. Television advertising - Estimate $255,000
# Oct. 8, 2014 Oppose Michael Coffman (REP) House CO-6 Mission Control, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $131,009
# Oct. 8, 2014 Oppose Joni K Ernst (REP) Senate IA Ambrosino Muir Hansen Crounse Direct Mail - Estimate $154,500
# Oct. 8, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Revolution Messaging, LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $89,422
# Oct. 6, 2014 Support Susan M Collins (REP) Senate ME Chris Mottola Consulting, Inc. Television advertising - Estimate $225,819
# Oct. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Moxie Media, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $108,487
# Oct. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Moxie Media, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $90,508
# Sept. 29, 2014 Oppose Marilinda Garcia (REP) House NH-2 Revolution Messaging, LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $25,513
# Sept. 29, 2014 Oppose Frank Guinta (REP) House NH-1 Revolution Messaging, LLC Digital advertising - Estimate $22,350
# Sept. 19, 2014 Support Michael G. Fitzpatrick (REP) House PA-8 The Lukens Company Digital Advertising - Estimate $39,622
# Sept. 18, 2014 Support Al Franken (DEM) Senate MN Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC Digital Advertising- Estimate $30,000
# Sept. 17, 2014 Support Michael G. Fitzpatrick (REP) House PA-8 Chris Mottola Consulting Television advertising - Estimate $320,000
# Sept. 17, 2014 Support Michael G. Fitzpatrick (REP) House PA-8 Chris Mottola Consulting Television advertising - Estimate $13,950
# Sept. 16, 2014 Oppose Marilinda Garcia (REP) House NH-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $7,000
# Sept. 16, 2014 Oppose Frank Guinta (REP) House NH-1 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $7,000
# Sept. 16, 2014 Oppose Marilinda Garcia (REP) House NH-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $500,000
# Sept. 16, 2014 Oppose Frank Guinta (REP) House NH-1 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $500,000
# Sept. 15, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $12,000
# Sept. 15, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising - Estimate $358,000
# Sept. 11, 2014 Support Al Franken (DEM) Senate MN Mission Control, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $54,904
# Sept. 11, 2014 Support Al Franken (DEM) Senate MN Mission Control, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $75,994
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Revolution Messaging, LLC Digital Advertising - Estimate $89,422
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Moxie Media, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $32,019
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 Moxie Media, Inc. Direct Mail - Estimate $43,180
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising production - Estimate $17,500
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising $179,000
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising production - Estimate $17,500
# Sept. 3, 2014 Oppose Martha E. Mcsally (REP) House AZ-2 The Campaign Group Television advertising $179,000