Lisa Blunt Rochester For Congress PRE-GENERAL Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2022 Dec. 8, 2022 Oct. 19, 2022 Compare to original $68,565.93 $484,570.81 $1,344,687.35
2020 Feb. 10, 2021 Oct. 14, 2020 Compare to original $106,169.21 $118,506.08 $928,570.89
2018 Oct. 25, 2018 Oct. 17, 2018 $39,694.83 $126,142.30 $361,117.35
2016 Oct. 27, 2016 Oct. 19, 2016 $164,408.76 $171,040.23 $209,285.48