Tenacious Truth PAC Independent Expenditures - 2016 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2018
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Nov. 3, 2016
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $22,000, opposing Kim Myers.
Tenacious Truth PAC has been active in one state: New York.
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 7, 2016 | Support | Claudia Tenney (REP) | House | NY-22 | Ozean Media | Voter contact phones | $1,301 |
# | Nov. 2, 2016 | Oppose | Martin Babinec (IND) | House | NY-22 | Ozean Media | Voter contact phones | $2,921 |
# | Nov. 2, 2016 | Oppose | Kim Myers (DEM) | House | NY-22 | McLaughlin and Associates | Radio ad buy, also opposes Martin Babniec | $10,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2016 | Oppose | Kim Myers (DEM) | House | NY-22 | McLaughlin and Associates | Radio ad production and buy | $4,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2016 | Oppose | Kim Myers (DEM) | House | NY-22 | McLaughlin and Associates | Radio ad production and buy, also opposes Matrin Babinec | $7,000 |
# | Oct. 28, 2016 | Oppose | Kim Myers (DEM) | House | NY-22 | Digital ad promotion | $1,000 | |
# | Oct. 7, 2016 | Oppose | Martin Babinec (IND) | House | NY-22 | Digital ad buy | $500 | |
# | Oct. 7, 2016 | Oppose | Martin Babinec (IND) | House | NY-22 | Gridiron Communications | Graphic design | $250 |
# | Oct. 3, 2016 | Oppose | Martin Babinec (IND) | House | NY-22 | Digital ad buy | $250 | |
# | Oct. 3, 2016 | Oppose | Martin Babinec (IND) | House | NY-22 | Digital ad buy | $50 | |
# | Sept. 13, 2016 | Oppose | Jack Martins (REP) | House | NY-6 | Gridiron Communications | Direct mail production-oppose Jack Martins | $17,999 |
# | July 1, 2016 | Support | Claudia Tenney (REP) | House | NY-22 | Digital ad buy | $22 |