Greg Pence For Congress - 2020 cycle
This committee's spending at Trump properties in the 2020 cycle
Each box below represents a single day during the period. A gray box indicates no payments.
Each box below represents a single month during the period. A gray box indicates no payments.
Itemized Records
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Line number | Entity type | Payee name | Payee state | Date | Amount | Purpose | |
# | SB17 | ORG | BLT Prime | D.C. | Dec. 3, 2020 | $1,551.40 | Event Catering |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump International Hotel | D.C. | Sept. 30, 2020 | $49.80 | Meals Expense |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump Winery | Va. | Aug. 26, 2020 | $253.59 | Event Gifts - Pd by G. Pence |
# | SB17 | ORG | BLT Prime | D.C. | April 8, 2020 | $205.00 | Meals Expense - Pd by G. Pence |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump International Hotel | D.C. | March 14, 2019 | $290.00 | Fundraising Event Costs |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump International Hotel | D.C. | Feb. 5, 2019 | $4,189.76 | Fundraising Event Costs - Pd by G. Pence |
# | SB17 | ORG | BLT Prime | D.C. | Jan. 10, 2019 | $1,140.00 | Fundraising Event Expense - Pd by G. Pence |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump International Hotel | D.C. | Jan. 7, 2019 | $3,276.29 | Reception Catering Expense |
# | SB17 | ORG | Trump International Hotel | D.C. | Jan. 2, 2019 | $5,897.03 | Reception Catering |