Van Drew For Congress YEAR-END Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2024 Jan. 31 Dec. 31, 2023 $718,999.25 $534,454.53 $904,758.34
2022 Jan. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 $5,354.09 $66,270.07 $479,411.30
2022 July 25, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Compare to original $587,002.30 $324,628.93 $966,432.04
2020 May 5, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020 Compare to original $53,665.24 $106,032.59 $191,877.89
2020 Jan. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 $423,652.06 $275,218.35 $1,079,974.94
2018 Jan. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 $19,104.21 $35,824.80 $4,200.32
2018 Jan. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 $80,391.00 $271.63 $80,119.37