Consumer Financial Empowerment Pac OCT MONTHLY Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2024 Oct. 11, 2023 Sept. 30, 2023 $0.00 $12.00 $23,518.12
2022 Oct. 17, 2022 Sept. 30, 2022 $0.00 $12.00 $24,121.12
2022 Oct. 7, 2021 Sept. 30, 2021 $1,000.00 $29.30 $31,178.82
2020 March 24, 2021 Sept. 30, 2020 Compare to original $2,500.00 $259.40 $39,750.63
2020 Dec. 3, 2020 Sept. 30, 2019 Compare to original $1,750.00 $4,607.42 $30,084.80
2018 Oct. 18, 2018 Sept. 30, 2018 $13,250.00 $10,537.21 $22,444.12