Integrity Nj 24 HOUR NOTICE Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2018 Aug. 4, 2018 Compare to original $478,821.00
2018 Sept. 6, 2018 $653,520.00
2018 Sept. 20, 2018 $933,475.00
2018 Sept. 26, 2018 $834,430.00
2018 Oct. 2, 2018 $63,985.00
2018 Oct. 8, 2018 $87,500.00
2018 Oct. 11, 2018 $63,985.00
2018 Oct. 16, 2018 $63,985.00
2018 Oct. 19, 2018 $63,895.00
2018 Oct. 24, 2018 $100,000.00
2018 Nov. 2, 2018 $240,060.00
2018 Oct. 25, 2018 $274,829.50
2018 Oct. 29, 2018 Compare to original $1,052,961.25
2018 Nov. 3, 2018 $699,338.88
2018 Nov. 5, 2018 $20,000.00
2018 Jan. 22, 2019 Compare to original $482,815.00
2018 Jan. 22, 2019 Compare to original $463,821.00
2020 Aug. 7, 2019 Compare to original $125,125.00