Freedom Vote Independent Expenditures - 2014 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2016 2018

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: May 4, 2014

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $72,011, supporting John Boehner.

Freedom Vote has been active in one state: Ohio.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# May 4, 2014 Support John Boehner (REP) House OH-8 FLS Connect Robocalls $1,136
# May 2, 2014 Support John Boehner (REP) House OH-8 JSN Associates Canvassers and consulting $30,000
# May 2, 2014 Support John Boehner (REP) House OH-8 Majority Strategies Door-to-door literature $2,750
# April 16, 2014 Support John Boehner (REP) House OH-8 JSN Associates Canvassers and consulting (also opposes J.D. Winteregg, Eric Gurr) $30,000
# April 16, 2014 Support John Boehner (REP) House OH-8 Majority Strategies Door hangers (also opposes J.D. Winteregg, Eric Gurr) $8,125