National Association Of Home Builders 48 HOUR NOTICE Filings

Cycle Date Filed End Date Amendment Receipts Spending Cash
2016 Oct. 6, 2016 $32,495.59
2016 Nov. 29, 2016 Compare to original $51,696.46
2016 Oct. 14, 2016 $822,330.53
2016 Oct. 18, 2016 $35,374.08
2018 Sept. 27, 2018 $131,000.00
2018 Oct. 11, 2018 $65,500.00
2018 Oct. 24, 2018 Compare to original $164,400.54
2022 April 27, 2022 $50,000.00
2024 Aug. 2 Aug. 2 $700,000.00
2020 Oct. 5, 2020 Oct. 14, 2020 $7,100.00
2020 Sept. 23, 2020 Sept. 28, 2020 $88,124.83