Greenpeace, Inc. Independent Expenditures - 2022 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2016 2018 2020 2024

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Nov. 3, 2022

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $19,335, opposing Donald J. Trump.

States Where Greenpeace, Inc. Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $2,000
  • $30,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Sept. 12, 2022 Support Summer Lee (DEM) House PA-12 Greenpeace, Inc. webinar letter writing program - staff time $36
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Jamie Mcleod Skinner (DEM) House OR-5 Greenpeace, Inc. build the climate vote webpage creation - staff time $290
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Jamie Mcleod Skinner (DEM) House OR-5 Greenpeace, Inc. webinar letter writing program - staff time $42
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Jamie Mcleod Skinner (DEM) House OR-5 Greenpeace, Inc. climate vote letter creation - staff time $89
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Summer Lee (DEM) House PA-12 Greenpeace, Inc. build the climate vote webpage creation - staff time $290
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Summer Lee (DEM) House PA-12 Greenpeace, Inc. webinar lettter writing program - staff time $42
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Summer Lee (DEM) House PA-12 Greenpeace, Inc. climate vote letter creation - staff time $89
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. webinar letter writing program - staff time $36
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. letter creation - staff time $30
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. build the climate vote - staff time $144
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. webinar climate vote letter wrriting - staff time $42
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mandela Barnes (DEM) Senate WI Greenpeace, Inc. climate vote webinar - staff time $36
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mandela Barnes (DEM) Senate WI Greenpeace, Inc. climate vote webpage creation - staff time $290
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mandela Barnes (DEM) Senate WI Greenpeace, Inc. webinar climate vote letter writing - staff time $42
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Mandela Barnes (DEM) Senate WI Greenpeace, Inc. climate vote letter creation - staff time $89
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. Letter writing webinar - staff time $36
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. climate letter creation - staff time $30
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - Letter writing webinar $42
# Sept. 7, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. Climate Vote webpage creation - staff time $144
# July 12, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailiing costs $4,619
# July 11, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing costs $1,975
# July 8, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email recruitment $60
# July 7, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email recruitment $30
# July 5, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing costs $930
# June 29, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing costs $266
# June 29, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. email - letter writing $60
# June 27, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing costs $188
# June 23, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter wrriting packets - mailing costs $279
# June 21, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing materials - mailing costs $371
# June 16, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets- mailing $481
# June 14, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing $350
# June 13, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. email - letter-writing recruitment $60
# June 7, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time website editing $51
# June 7, 2022 Support Andy Levin (DEM) House MI-11 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time letter writing toolkit $192
# May 20, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing scorecard letters $648
# May 20, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Arizona Jet-Mail Services letter writing packets - mailing costs $1,752
# May 19, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing scorecard letters $725
# May 17, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $29
# May 17, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re letter writing $60
# May 17, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $29
# May 17, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re scorecard and letter writing $60
# May 17, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Rewired LLC textbanking $252
# May 17, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Rewired LLC textbanking $252
# May 17, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing scorecard letters $228
# May 16, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# May 16, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Rewired LLC textbanking $1
# May 16, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Rewired LLC textbanking $1
# May 16, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# May 13, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing scorecard letters $765
# May 13, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re scorecard and letter writing $60
# May 13, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# May 13, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re letter writing $60
# May 13, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# May 13, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Rewired LLC textbanking $2
# May 13, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Rewired LLC textbanking $2
# May 11, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re letter writing $60
# May 11, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email to supporters - scorecard letter writing $60
# May 10, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# May 10, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Rewired LLC textbanking $2
# May 10, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Rewired LLC textanking $2
# May 10, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email to send scorecard to supporters $60
# May 10, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking re letter writing $14
# May 10, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - email re letter writing $60
# May 9, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - website scorecard update $71
# May 9, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - scorecard letter and toolkit research and design $196
# May 9, 2022 Support Mike Levin (DEM) House CA-49 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time scorecard website design/update $71
# May 9, 2022 Support Katherine Porter (DEM) House CA-47 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - scorecard and letter creation and design $196
# May 6, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Greenpeace, Inc. text recruitment / staff $14
# May 6, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Rewired LLC P2P textbanking service (estimate) $10
# May 4, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters + postage $4,445
# May 2, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters $609
# April 27, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters $269
# April 23, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Rewired LLC P2P texting service $700
# April 23, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - textbanking $14
# April 22, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters $283
# April 19, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters $933
# April 6, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Arizona Jet-Mail Services printing/mailing letters $1,287
# April 1, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Greenpeace, Inc. Scorecard + letter creation staff time $380
# April 1, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Hover voteclimate2022 website domain $44
# April 1, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Greenpeace, Inc. climate scorecard website creaation - staff time $398
# April 1, 2022 Support Jessica Cisneros (DEM) House TX-28 Greenpeace, Inc. Scorecard/Letter writing toolkit - staff time $346
# Dec. 15, 2020 Support T. Jonathan Ossoff Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $516
# Dec. 15, 2020 Support Raphael Warnock Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $516
# Dec. 15, 2020 Support T. Jonathan Ossoff Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $113
# Dec. 15, 2020 Support Raphael Warnock Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $113
# Dec. 10, 2020 Support Raphael Warnock Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $269
# Dec. 10, 2020 Support T. Jonathan Ossoff Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $269
# Dec. 8, 2020 Support Raphael Warnock Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $302
# Dec. 8, 2020 Support T. Jonathan Ossoff Senate GA Rewired LLC textbanking $302
# Oct. 26, 2020 Support Julie Lynn Oliver House TX-25 Rewired LLC textbanking costs $28
# Oct. 26, 2020 Support Mike Siegel House TX-10 Rewired LLC textbanking costs $22
# Oct. 19, 2020 Support Kara Eastman House NE-2 Rewired LLC textbanking costs $17
# Oct. 16, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President TrimTab live switching FDF video $3,500
# Oct. 16, 2020 Support Marquita Bradshaw Senate TN Rewired LLC textbanking costs $439
# Oct. 14, 2020 Support Cori Bush House MO-1 Rewired LLC textbanking costs $25
# Oct. 8, 2020 Support Rashida Tlaib House MI-13 Rewired LLC textbanking costs $13
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - video editing $855
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President Greenpeace, Inc. staff time - video editing - Why Vote $2,280
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President A. Henrique Huaiquil video editing Why Vote (estimate) $4,500
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President Music Vine Ltd stock music clips for video (estimate) $200
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President TrimTab live switching - FDF $7,000
# Oct. 2, 2020 Oppose Donald J Trump President Bentsi Beberashvili video animation Why Vote (estimate) $1,000