Nakasec Action Fund Independent Expenditures - 2024 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2020 2022

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Feb. 17

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $7,675, supporting Roland Gutierrez.

Nakasec Action Fund has been active in one state: Texas.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Base Builder Staff Time - 2/17 - 3/5 $3,375
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Quynh-Huong Nguyen Staff Time - 2/17 - 3/5 $600
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Korean Journal Houston Advertising - 2/17 - 3/5 $300
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX GetThru Phonebanking Software - 2/17 - 3/5 $300
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Print King Printing - 2/17 - 3/5 $300
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Sarah Syed Staff Time - 2/17 - 3/5 $1,000
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Michelle Tran Translation Services - 2/17 - 3/5 $333
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Steven Wu Staff Time - 2/17 - 3/5 $800
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Joshua Yang Translation Services - 2/17 - 3/5 $333
# Feb. 17 Support Roland Gutierrez (DEM) Senate TX Angel Rodriguez Translation Services - 2/17 - 3/5 $333