Itemized Expenditures for Filing 102569

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB17 ORG Erickson & Company, Inc. D.C. Aug. 18, 2003 $3,500.00 Initial Paymt 2nd Event
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $3,500.00 Fin.Dir.Weeks of 6/30-7/28/03
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Sept. 4, 2003 $2,800.00 Fin.Dir.Weeks of 8/4-8/25/03
# SB17 ORG Hawthorne Hotel Mass. July 28, 2003 $1,339.78 Event 5/17 REPLACE CK#10241
# SB17 ORG Gloucester Stage Company Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $1,314.00
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $1,274.82 Prepare Flyers for B'day Picnic
# SB17 ORG National Democratic Club D.C. July 28, 2003 $1,256.88 6/19/03 Ref#000657 DC Event
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Aug. 25, 2003 $1,056.40 JT B'day Picnic 2003 Mailing
# SB17 CCM John Kerry for President Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $1,000.00 Contribution 9/29/03 Breakfast
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 4, 2003 $740.00 Erickson & Company Mailing
# SB17 ORG MultiMediaPros Mass. July 28, 2003 $696.25 Computer Consult. thru7/11/03
# SB17 IND Weiner, Susan Mass. Sept. 10, 2003 $656.25 7/21/03 Classic Cook Catering
# SB17 IND Restuccia, Lillian P Mass. July 25, 2003 $601.11 Net Pay6/23-7/21/03 46HRS
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $595.85
# SB17 IND Restuccia, Lillian P Mass. Sept. 30, 2003 $511.62 Net Pay 8/19-9/19/2003 39HRS
# SB17 IND Black, Judith Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $500.00 Storyteller for Picnic
# SB17 ORG Laser Kare Printer Technology Inc. Mass. Aug. 10, 2003 $477.90 July03 Repair of Laser Printer
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $468.30 Inv. Envelopes - Supplies
# SB17 ORG American International Companies N.J. July 7, 2003 $457.00 8/14/03-8/14/04Workers Comp
# SB17 ORG Julio Bare Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $450.00 Music for B'day Picnic Event
# SB17 ORG O'Shea Building Trust Mass. July 1, 2003 $450.00 Office Rent July 2003
# SB17 ORG O'Shea Building Trust Mass. Sept. 4, 2003 $450.00 Office Rent September2003
# SB17 ORG O'Shea Building Trust Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $450.00 Office Rent August2003
# SB17 ORG Merrimack Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mass. July 8, 2003 $442.00 Commercial Pkg. 7/1/03-7/1/04
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $370.00
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $370.00
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $370.00 Postage Gloucester Stage Event
# SB17 ORG MultiMediaPros Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $312.50 Computer Consult. thru9/23/03
# SB17 ORG Salem State Foundation, Inc./Golf Mass. July 1, 2003 $300.00 Sponsorship 7/7/03 Golf Tourn.
# SB17 ORG Lynn Hispanic Festival, Inc. Mass. Aug. 18, 2003 $250.00 Full Page Ad
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. July 7, 2003 $225.40
# SB17 IND Gould, Tom Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $200.00 Ice Cream - Goods
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $194.25 Invitations9/13Treadwells Event
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $191.10 Response Cards - Supplies
# SB17 ORG Beverly Storage Warehouse Mass. July 1, 2003 $187.95 Rental Unit for Signs July2003
# SB17 ORG Beverly Storage Warehouse Mass. Sept. 4, 2003 $187.95 Rental Unit for Signs September2003
# SB17 ORG Beverly Storage Warehouse Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $187.95 Rental Unit for Signs August2003
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $185.00
# SB17 IND Restuccia, Lillian P Mass. Aug. 22, 2003 $183.66 Net Pay7/22-8/18/2003 14HRS
# SB17 ORG Verizon Mass. July 1, 2003 $174.13 Off.Tel&DSL 5/21-6/20/03
# SB17 ORG Verizon Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $173.47 Off.Tel&DSL 7/21-8/20/03
# SB17 ORG Verizon Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $165.74 Off.Tel&DSL 6/21-7/20/03
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. July 25, 2003 $162.38 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $151.95
# SB17 IND Gould, Tom Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $150.00 Ice Cream for Picnic
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $150.00 Annual Fee for Permit #83
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. Sept. 30, 2003 $148.01 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. July 1, 2003 $126.00 Invitations7/20 Adamopol. Event
# SB17 ORG GE Capital Pa. July 1, 2003 $116.97 Office Copier Lease7/24/03
# SB17 ORG GE Capital Pa. Aug. 4, 2003 $116.97 Office Copier Lease8/24/03
# SB17 ORG GE Capital Pa. Aug. 18, 2003 $116.97 Office Copier Lease9/24/03
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $111.00
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $111.00
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. July 1, 2003 $100.80 Postcards 9/12 Gloucester Event
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. July 28, 2003 $96.75 Office Supplies
# SB17 IND Tierney, Patrice Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $89.73 Reimb.Candy for Events June03
# SB17 ORG Simard Printing Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $82.95 Invitations9/22 Burg Event
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $76.49 Supplies for Gloucester Stage Event
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. July 1, 2003 $74.00
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $70.42 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Sprint Ga. Sept. 4, 2003 $70.18 7/19-8/18/03Telephone
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Ill. Aug. 10, 2003 $68.38 Cell Phone thru 7/28/03
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Ill. Sept. 5, 2003 $68.38 Cell Phone thru 8/28/03
# SB17 ORG Sprint Ga. July 1, 2003 $68.11 5/19-6/18/03Telephone
# SB17 ORG Sprint Ga. Aug. 4, 2003 $67.33 6/19-7/18/03Telephone
# SB17 ORG AT&T Wireless Ill. July 7, 2003 $66.46 Cell Phone thru 6/28/03
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $60.20 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG PMLP Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $58.67 Electric 8/8-9/11/03
# SB17 ORG U.S. Treasury Utah July 8, 2003 $58.09 Form 1120 IRS Filing for 2002
# SB17 ORG PMLP Mass. Aug. 18, 2003 $53.48 Electric 7/9-8/8/03
# SB17 ORG PMLP Mass. July 14, 2003 $50.93 Electric 6/8-7/9/03
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. Aug. 10, 2003 $49.34 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. Aug. 22, 2003 $48.70 Payroll Taxes
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $40.95
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $40.85
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $40.01 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $37.00
# SB17 ORG Erickson & Company, Inc. D.C. July 28, 2003 $35.00 FAX
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. July 25, 2003 $32.80 Payroll Processing
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. Sept. 30, 2003 $32.80 Payroll Processing
# SB17 ORG Payrolls Plus Mass. Aug. 22, 2003 $32.80 Payroll Processing
# SB17 ORG Network Innovations, Inc. Mass. Sept. 4, 2003 $27.00 VirtWebSite September2003
# SB17 ORG Network Innovations, Inc. Mass. July 1, 2003 $27.00 VirtWebSite July2003
# SB17 ORG Network Innovations, Inc. Mass. Aug. 4, 2003 $27.00 VirtWebSite August2003
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. Sept. 5, 2003 $26.23 Office Supplies
# SB17 ORG National Democratic Club D.C. Sept. 25, 2003 $25.00 Membership Dues Aug31/03
# SB17 ORG National Democratic Club D.C. July 14, 2003 $25.00 Membership Dues June03
# SB17 ORG National Democratic Club D.C. Aug. 18, 2003 $25.00 Membership Dues Jul31/03
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. July 1, 2003 $24.50 Mailing pkg. to DCCC 6/26/03
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 $23.70 Fed Ex to Erickson for Event
# SB17 ORG Staples Mass. July 7, 2003 $21.33 Office Supplies
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. July 7, 2003 $15.00 Cato Travel DC Ticket Change
# SB17 ORG Erickson & Company, Inc. D.C. July 28, 2003 $10.33 Telephone
# SB17 ORG David L. Andrukitis, Inc. D.C. July 14, 2003 $8.48 Tax on Inv#26893 3/28/03
# SB17 ORG U.S. Postal Service Mass. July 28, 2003 $3.85
# SB17 IND Longin, Melissa Mass. Sept. 25, 2003 -$370.00 Postage for B'day Picnic