Itemized Expenditures for Filing 1044159

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Itemized Expenditures

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Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 PAC Heartland Values PAC S.D. Dec. 9, 2015 $5,000.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Moving America Forward Fla. Dec. 1, 2015 $3,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 COM Team Ryan D.C. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC One Georgia PAC Ga. Dec. 9, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC MURPHPAC D.C. Dec. 9, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Walden for Congress Ore. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Terri Sewell for Congress Ala. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Lofgren for Congress Calif. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 COM Leahy Green Mountain Committee Vt. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kurt Schrader for Congress Ore. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Kevin McCarthy for Congress Calif. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Jeffries for Congress D.C. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 PAC Fund for Americas Future S.C. Dec. 2, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Follow the North Star Fund Minn. Dec. 7, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Fiscal Leadership and Knowing Economics PAC Ariz. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Diana DeGette for Congress Colo. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM DelBene for Congress Wash. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Clarke for Congress N.Y. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Charles Boustany Jr. MD for Senate, Inc. La. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Anna Eshoo for Congress Calif. Dec. 9, 2015 $2,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Boozman for Arkansas Ark. Dec. 1, 2015 $2,000.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Mike Bishop for Congress Mich. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Butterfield for Congress N.C. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Ron Johnson for Senate Inc Wis. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Buck for Colorado Colo. Dec. 3, 2015 $1,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Cramer for Congress N.D. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,500.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 PAC Believe in Life Liberty Yourself AKA Billy PAC Mo. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,000.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 PAC Responsibility and Freedom Work PAC (RFWPAC) Miss. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,000.00 2015 Contribution
# SB23 CCM Kinzinger for Congress Ill. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,000.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Linda Sanchez D.C. Dec. 9, 2015 $1,000.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Collins for Congress Ga. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,000.00 2016 Primary
# SB23 CCM Friends of Kelly Ayotte Inc N.H. Dec. 1, 2015 $1,000.00 2016 General
# SB23 CCM Committee To Re-Elect Linda Sanchez D.C. Dec. 9, 2015 -$1,000.00 2016 Primary - WM lost original check - rewrote (check #1638)
# SB23 PAC Follow the North Star Fund Minn. Dec. 7, 2015 -$2,500.00 2015 Contribution