Line number Entity type Payee name Payee state Date Amount Purpose
# SB23 CAN GARDNER, CORY Colo. Oct. 20, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 CAN BLUNT, ROY Mo. Oct. 28, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 CAN CASSIDY, WILLIAM La. Nov. 8, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 CAN TOOMEY, PATRICK JOSEPH Pa. Oct. 25, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 PTY KANSAS REPUBLICAN VICTORY FUND FEDERAL PAC Kan. Oct. 29, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB23 CAN CRAPO, MICHAEL D Idaho Oct. 25, 2014 $5,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB21B IND McGurk, Kathleen Mo. Nov. 8, 2014 $3,924.00 Fundraising Consulting
# SB21B ORG Tuesday Solutions D.C. Nov. 2, 2014 $2,000.00 Fundraising Consulting
# SB29 IND Kobach, Kris Kan. Oct. 23, 2014 $2,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB21B ORG Winfrey & Company Va. Oct. 29, 2014 $1,664.16 Fundraising Consulting
# SB21B ORG Verizon Wireless D.C. Oct. 31, 2014 $1,129.78 Cellphones
# SB21B ORG The Broadmoor Colo. Nov. 8, 2014 $1,092.26 Lodging & Meals
# SB21B ORG West's Country Market Kan. Nov. 8, 2014 $1,022.90 Food & Beverage
# SB29 ORG Kansas Family Policy Council Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $1,000.00 Political Contribution
# SB21B ORG Driver'a Unlimited Conn. Oct. 31, 2014 $759.35 Transportation Fundraising Event
# SB21B ORG U.S. Airways Ariz. Oct. 31, 2014 $671.09 Airline Travel
# SB21B ORG Verizon Wireless D.C. Oct. 31, 2014 $528.74 Cellphone
# SB29 COM Sedgwick County Republican Party Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $500.00 Political Contribution
# SB21B ORG Budget Car Rental N.J. Nov. 4, 2014 $434.87 Car Rental
# SB21B ORG Marriott Ga. Oct. 2, 2014 $335.13 Lodging
# SB21B ORG U.S. Airways Ariz. Oct. 3, 2014 $322.09 Airline Travel
# SB21B ORG Marriott Ga. Oct. 3, 2014 $322.09 Lodging
# SB21B ORG American Airlines Tex. Oct. 31, 2014 $320.20 Airline Travel
# SB21B IND Green, Cindy Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $304.00 Meals - event luncheons
# SB21B ORG Hyatt Kan. Nov. 4, 2014 $288.33 Lodging
# SB21B ORG Intrust Bank Kan. Oct. 31, 2014 $277.25 Bank Fees
# SB21B IND Dethloff, Lisa Kan. Oct. 25, 2014 $268.98 Meals
# SB21B IND Britton, Brennen Kan. Nov. 15, 2014 $267.20 cell phone & Travel Expenses
# SB21B ORG Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Kan. Oct. 31, 2014 $225.00 Dues
# SB21B ORG Verizon Wireless D.C. Oct. 31, 2014 $216.80 cellphone Expense
# SB21B IND Novascone, Todd Todd D.C. Oct. 25, 2014 $191.50 Misc. Travel Expenses
# SB21B IND Britton, Brennen Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $184.02 Meals
# SB21B ORG Kiwanis Club of Hays Kan. Nov. 8, 2014 $165.48 Meals
# SB21B ORG Hertz Okla. Oct. 16, 2014 $163.87 Rental Car
# SB21B ORG Singularis Group Kan. Nov. 2, 2014 $145.39 fundraising Printing
# SB21B ORG Enterprise Car Rental Mo. Oct. 20, 2014 $143.11 Car Rental
# SB21B IND Niederee, Katie D.C. Nov. 8, 2014 $127.10 Travel Expenses
# SB21B IND Sterneck, Trent D.C. Oct. 20, 2014 $119.59 Misc. Travel Expenses
# SB21B IND Britton, Brennen Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $115.00 Mileage and Tolls
# SB21B ORG Olathe Chamber of Commerce Kan. Oct. 31, 2014 $85.00 Meals
# SB21B IND Patton, Elizabeth Kan. Nov. 8, 2014 $71.75 Cellphone
# SB21B ORG Winfrey & Company Va. Nov. 8, 2014 $68.00 Fundraising Expenses Hotel & Parking
# SB21B ORG Intrust Bank Kan. Nov. 19, 2014 $66.15 Bank Fees
# SB21B CCM Johnson County Republican County Kan. Oct. 25, 2014 $40.00 Meal
# SB21B ORG Kiwanis Club of Hays Kan. Oct. 20, 2014 $33.00 Meals
# SB21B ORG Marriott Ga. Oct. 3, 2014 -$154.52 Lodging